Amazon Athena has become a go-to service for serverless data analysis on S3. With Athena, you can execute SQL queries directly on the data stored in S3 without the need for complex ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes. This post will guide you through setting up AWS Athena to efficiently query S3 data, from bucket configuration to cleanup procedures. Let’s dive in.

Introduction to Amazon Athena: A Serverless SQL Query Service

Amazon Athena is a powerful serverless interactive query service that lets you analyze data directly in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. It is built on Presto, an open-source distributed SQL query engine, allowing you to perform SQL queries without managing any infrastructure. This makes Athena particularly useful for ad hoc queries, log analysis, or exploratory data analysis.

Key benefits include:

  • No server management: Fully managed and serverless.
  • Pay-per-query pricing: You only pay for the amount of data scanned.
  • Supports multiple formats: Query structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data (e.g., CSV, JSON, Parquet).

Setting Up S3 Buckets for Data Storage and Retrieval

The foundation of Athena’s querying capabilities lies in Amazon S3, where your data is stored. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Create an S3 Bucket:
    • Navigate to the S3 service in your AWS console and create a new bucket to store your data.
    • Ensure the bucket name is globally unique and configure necessary permissions.
  2. Upload Your Data:
    • Store your CSV, JSON, or Parquet files in this bucket. Organize your data into folders for better query optimization.
    • Use S3’s multi-part upload or AWS CLI for larger datasets to upload files efficiently.
  3. Set Up Permissions:
    • Ensure that the IAM roles associated with Athena have sufficient permissions to read from your S3 bucket.

Preparing Test Data for Analysis in S3

To demonstrate Athena’s capabilities, upload sample data to the bucket. You can use publicly available datasets like the following:

  1. Sample CSV: A file with columns like id, name, age, and location.
  2. Sample JSON: A file with key-value pairs representing structured data.

These files will serve as the basis for querying in subsequent steps.

Configuring AWS Athena for Query Execution

Once your data is stored in S3, the next step is configuring Athena to query that data.

  1. Create a Database in Athena:
    • Open the Athena service in the AWS Management Console.

Run the following SQL query to create a new database:
CREATE DATABASE my_database;

  1. Define Tables: Athena uses table definitions to structure your data. For instance, to create a table for your CSV data:

  id INT,

  name STRING,

  age INT,

  location STRING





LOCATION ‘s3://your-bucket/path/’;

  1. Check for Errors: Ensure the schema is correct and matches your dataset after executing.

Utilizing AWS Glue Crawlers for Automated Data Loading

Manually defining table structures can become cumbersome, especially with large datasets or frequent schema changes. AWS Glue offers a solution through Glue Crawlers, automatically detecting schema and creating the necessary table definitions in Athena.

  1. Create a Glue Crawler:
    • Go to AWS Glue and set up a new crawler.
    • Configure it to point to your S3 bucket or folder.
    • Run the crawler, and Glue will automatically identify the schema and create a table in Athena.
  2. Schedule Crawlers:
    • Set up scheduled crawlers to keep your table definitions updated as data changes.

Running Queries and Storing Results in S3

Once the data is cataloged, you can run SQL queries through Athena’s query editor.

  1. Sample Query: To retrieve all records where the age is above 30, run the following query:
    SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE age > 30;
  2. Storing Results: Athena stores the query results in an S3 bucket by default. You can configure this location by going to the Athena settings page and specifying a bucket like s3://my-query-results/.

Cleanup Procedures to Avoid Unnecessary Charges

Cleaning up after performing queries is essential to avoid unnecessary costs, especially since S3 and Athena charge based on storage and query execution.

  1. Delete Unnecessary Data:
    • Periodically review your S3 bucket and remove old or unused data.
    • Clear significant query result sets stored in S3.
  2. Stop Glue Crawlers:
    • If you don’t plan to update the table schema frequently, stop the Glue crawlers to avoid unnecessary invocations.
  3. Review Athena Query Usage:
    • Since Athena charges per query based on the amount of data scanned, review your queries for optimization.
    • Partition your data to minimize the amount of data scanned during queries.
  4. Monitor with AWS Cost Explorer:
    • Set up cost and usage alarms through AWS Cost Explorer to monitor unexpected charges.


Amazon Athena offers a robust and serverless solution for querying data in S3. By setting up S3 buckets, preparing test data, configuring Athena, utilizing Glue Crawlers, running queries, and implementing efficient cleanup procedures, you can harness the full potential of serverless data analysis without incurring unnecessary costs.


Analyzing Data in S3 using Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena features