Introduction: The Challenge of Manual User Migration and IAM Management

Managing user identities and access in a growing AWS environment can become increasingly complex and time-consuming. Manual user migration and IAM (Identity and Access Management) management often lead to errors, security vulnerabilities, and inefficiencies. Automating these processes ensures consistency and security and significantly reduces administrative overhead.

Using Shell Scripts to Automate IAM User Creation

Shell scripts are a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks in AWS. By leveraging the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface), we can programmatically create, manage, and configure IAM users, ensuring a streamlined and error-free process.

Preparing a User File and Converting It to a Unix Format

To begin, we need a user file containing details of all the users to be migrated. This file can be in CSV format with columns for username, email, and any other required attributes. Once the file is ready, we convert it to a Unix-compatible format to ensure smooth processing with our shell script.

dos2unix user_file.csv

Creating a Shell Script for User Creation with MFA Enforcement

Next, we create a shell script to read the user file and automate the creation of IAM users. The script will enforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to enhance security.



while IFS=, read -r username email


  aws iam create-user –user-name $username

  aws iam create-login-profile –user-name $username –password “InitialPassword123!” –password-reset-required

  aws iam enable-mfa-device –user-name $username –serial-number “arn:aws:iam::account-id:mfa/$username” –authentication-code-1 123456 –authentication-code-2 789012

done < $USER_FILE

Implementing the Script and Assigning Users to Groups

After creating the IAM users, the next step is to assign them to appropriate IAM groups. This can be included in the same shell script or handled separately.



while IFS=, read -r username email


  aws iam add-user-to-group –user-name $username –group-name $GROUP_NAME

done < $USER_FILE

Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Secure Access

Enabling MFA is crucial for securing access to AWS resources. The previous script already includes MFA enforcement. Users must set up their MFA devices during their first login, significantly enhancing security.


Using shell scripts to automate user migration and IAM management in AWS can significantly improve efficiency, accuracy, and security. Organizations can streamline their IAM processes and reduce administrative burdens by preparing a user file, creating shell scripts for user creation and group assignment, and enforcing MFA.


Identity and access management in Migration Hub

Category: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)