Migrating data between AWS accounts can be challenging, especially when dealing with large datasets in DynamoDB tables. Whether moving to a new account for cost optimization, security purposes, or organizational restructuring, having a reliable method for cross-account DynamoDB data migration is crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore traditional methods, challenges with migrating tables that use Local Secondary Indexes (LSIs), and a Python-based solution to ensure seamless migration. We’ll also cover the automation of this process using GitLab pipelines and provide tips for effective capacity planning and error handling.

Introduction to Cross-Account DynamoDB Data Migration

Amazon DynamoDB is a highly scalable NoSQL database service many organizations rely on for low-latency data access. However, migrating DynamoDB tables across AWS accounts presents unique challenges due to security settings, data volume, and the configuration of table indexes. This guide provides a step-by-step process for efficiently migrating DynamoDB data between AWS accounts, addressing common pain points, and offering solutions that minimize downtime and complexity.

Evaluating Traditional Methods for DynamoDB Data Transfer

Traditional methods of DynamoDB data migration include:

  • Manual Exports to S3: Using the built-in AWS DynamoDB export feature to save data to an S3 bucket in CSV or JSON format, followed by manual import into the destination DynamoDB table.
  • AWS Data Pipeline: A pre-configured AWS service that can transfer data between services but requires a complex setup and incurs additional costs.
  • AWS SDK/CLI: Leveraging the DynamoDB scan or query commands to read from the source account and then write to the destination account using a batch write process.

While these methods work, they can be cumbersome and time-consuming and may not efficiently handle index structures like LSIs.

The Challenge of Migrating DynamoDB Tables with Local Secondary Indexes (LSIs)

Local Secondary Indexes (LSIs) are a challenge when migrating DynamoDB tables because they are tied to the physical partition of the table. When exporting and importing data, LSIs do not automatically carry over, requiring manually recreating indexes in the target table. If handled correctly, the lack of LSIs can lead to consistent query performance and data retrieval issues.

A Python Script Solution for Seamless DynamoDB Table Migration

To overcome these challenges, a Python-based solution can streamline the process. By leveraging the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), you can automate the extraction, transfer, and restoration of DynamoDB data across accounts.

Here’s a simplified version of the Python script:

import boto3

def copy_dynamodb_data(source_table_name, dest_table_name, source_region, dest_region):

    source_dynamodb = boto3.resource(‘dynamodb’, region_name=source_region)

    dest_dynamodb = boto3.resource(‘dynamodb’, region_name=dest_region)


    source_table = source_dynamodb.Table(source_table_name)

    dest_table = dest_dynamodb.Table(dest_table_name)


    # Scan source table and batch write to destination

    response = source_table.scan()

    data = response.get(‘Items’, [])


    with dest_table.batch_writer() as batch:

        for item in data:


    print(f”Migration of {len(data)} items completed from {source_table_name} to {dest_table_name}.”)

This script scans the source DynamoDB table, extracts the data, and writes it into the destination table in another AWS account or region. The destination table, including any LSIs, must be manually created before migration.

Step-by-Step Process for Exporting DynamoDB Data to S3 and Restoring in Another Account

  1. Export Data from DynamoDB to S3:
    • Use the DynamoDB console or AWS CLI to export table data to an S3 bucket. Ensure the S3 bucket is in the same account or shared with the destination account.
      aws dynamodb export-table-to-point-in-time –table-name <source-table> –s3-bucket <bucket-name>
  2. Transfer the S3 Data to the Target Account:
    • If the S3 bucket is in a different AWS account, grant the destination account permission to read the data or manually copy it to a new S3 bucket in the destination account.
  3. Import Data into DynamoDB in the Destination Account:
    • Use the aws dynamodb restore-table-from-backup command or the AWS Console to restore the data into a new table in the destination account.

Automating the Migration Process with GitLab Pipelines

Automation is critical to ensuring repeatability and consistency. You can automate the migration process using GitLab CI/CD pipelines, which include data export, data transfer, and table restoration.

Here’s an example of a .gitlab-ci.yml configuration:


  – export

  – transfer

  – import


  stage: export


    – aws dynamodb export-table-to-point-in-time –table-name <source-table> –s3-bucket <bucket-name>


  stage: transfer


    – aws s3 cp s3://<source-bucket> s3://<destination-bucket> –recursive


  stage: import


    – aws dynamodb restore-table-from-backup –table-name <new-table-name> –s3-bucket <destination-bucket>

This pipeline automates the entire process from data export to import, reducing manual intervention and ensuring accuracy.

Ensuring Smooth Migration with Capacity Planning and Error Handling

Capacity planning is essential to ensure your migration process doesn’t result in throttling or data loss. Consider the following:

  • DynamoDB Read/Write Capacity: Ensure both source and destination tables have sufficient read and write capacity (or are using on-demand mode) to handle the migration load.
  • Error Handling: Implement error-catching mechanisms within your migration script or pipeline. For example, if a write fails, log the error and retry.
  • Data Consistency Checks: After migration, perform validation checks to ensure all data was transferred successfully, including row counts and item consistency.

Conclusion: Optimizing DynamoDB Data Migration Strategies

Migrating DynamoDB data across AWS accounts can be complex, but you can ensure a seamless and efficient migration with the right strategy and tools. Using a Python-based approach, automating the process with GitLab pipelines, and carefully planning capacity and error handling, you can minimize downtime and ensure data integrity throughout the migration process.


Cross-account replication with Amazon DynamoDB

How can I migrate my DynamoDB tables from one AWS Account to another?