In today’s cloud-native world, ensuring data security and reliability is paramount. AWS Backup offers a centralized way to automate and manage backups across AWS services, helping businesses protect their critical data with minimal effort. AWS Backup can be further automated when integrated with Terraform, providing infrastructure such as code (IaC) capabilities to manage backup plans, policies, and resources effectively.

This guide explores how to automate AWS backups with Terraform, focusing on this powerful combination’s key components, setup process, and benefits.

Introduction to AWS Backup and Its Importance

AWS Backup is a fully managed service that automates and centralizes data backup across various AWS services such as Amazon EC2, RDS, DynamoDB, and EFS. Backups are critical for disaster recovery, ensuring compliance, and safeguarding against data loss. AWS Backup simplifies the backup process by creating policies, scheduling automatic backups, and managing retention, making it essential for businesses with complex, data-driven infrastructures.

Automating this process with Terraform increases efficiency and enhances reliability and repeatability by ensuring backups are consistently applied and maintained across environments.

Prerequisites for Automating AWS Backup

Before automating AWS Backup using Terraform, a few prerequisites should be in place:

  • AWS Account: An active AWS account with the necessary permissions to create backups and use AWS services.
  • Terraform Installed: You need to have Terraform installed on your machine. If not, you can download it from the official Terraform website.
  • AWS CLI Configured: Set up the AWS CLI to interact with your AWS account and ensure the IAM role or user has adequate backup management and resource creation permissions.
  • Familiarity with AWS Services: A basic understanding of EC2, RDS, and S3 services can help define backup requirements and components.

Understanding AWS Backup Components

AWS Backup consists of several vital components that work together to create a seamless backup experience:

  • Backup Plan: Defines how often backups are created and how long they are retained. Backup plans can be assigned to one or more resources.
  • Backup Vault: A storage location for your backups. Backup vaults help you organize and manage backups securely.
  • Backup Rule: Specifies the backup frequency, retention period, and other parameters that control the backup process.
  • Resource Selection: AWS Backup allows you to assign resources to a backup plan using resource tags or ARNs, ensuring that critical assets are protected.

Setting Up AWS Backup with Terraform

Terraform allows you to automate the creation and management of AWS Backup plans, vaults, and rules. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up AWS Backup with Terraform:

  1. Create a Backup Vault: The first step is to create a backup vault where your backups will be stored.
    resource “aws_backup_vault” “my_backup_vault” {

  name        = “my_backup_vault”

  kms_key_arn = “arn:aws:kms:your-kms-key-id”


  1. Define a Backup Plan: Next, create a backup plan with rules for frequency and retention.
    resource “aws_backup_plan” “my_backup_plan” {

  name = “my_backup_plan”

  rule {

    rule_name         = “daily_backup”

    target_vault_name =

    schedule          = “cron(0 12 * * ? *)”  # Daily at 12 PM UTC

    lifecycle {

      cold_storage_after = 30

      delete_after       = 365




  1. Assign Resources to the Backup Plan: Use resource tags or ARNs to specify which resources to back up.
    resource “aws_backup_selection” “my_backup_selection” {

  iam_role_arn  = “arn:aws:iam::your-account-id:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole”

  name          = “backup_selection”

  plan_id       =

  resources     = [





  1. Apply Your Terraform Configuration: Once your backup vault, plan, and selection are defined, run the following commands:
    terraform init

terraform plan

terraform apply

With this setup, AWS Backup will automatically back up the defined resources according to the specified schedule and retention policy.

Automating Backup Plans and Selections

By automating backup plans and selections with Terraform, you can ensure consistency across different environments. Changes to your backup strategy, such as retention periods or backup frequency, can be easily applied by updating your Terraform configurations and redeploying them. This eliminates the need for manual adjustments in the AWS Management Console and reduces the chances of configuration drift.

Additionally, tagging resources with backup requirements (e.g., backup=true) ensures that new resources automatically fall under the backup plan, further simplifying the process.

Benefits of Automating AWS Backups

  1. Consistency and Reliability: Automated backups ensure that data protection policies are uniformly applied across all resources, minimizing human error.
  2. Scalability: Terraform’s automation allows you to scale backup processes without requiring manual intervention as your AWS environment grows.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Automated backups enable better resource management, ensuring you only back up critical resources while controlling retention policies for cost optimization.
  4. Audit and Compliance: By maintaining a consistent backup policy, you can quickly meet compliance requirements, as Terraform records all infrastructure changes and backup settings.
  5. Disaster Recovery: Automated backups ensure that your data is regularly saved and easily recoverable in case of failure, aiding in disaster recovery efforts.

Final Thoughts on Implementing AWS Backup Automation

Automating AWS backups using Terraform is essential for a reliable, scalable, and efficient cloud infrastructure. By integrating AWS Backup with Terraform, you gain greater control over your backup processes, reduce the risk of data loss, and streamline operations. As cloud environments grow in complexity, automation remains a vital tool in ensuring data protection and operational continuity.

Start today by exploring how you can automate your AWS backups with Terraform, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is securely backed up and recoverable at all times.


Best practices for using the Terraform AWS Provider

Automate centralized backup at scale across AWS services using AWS Backup