Setting up an AWS EC2 instance using Python can significantly streamline cloud computing tasks. By leveraging the Boto3 library, developers and cloud engineers can automate instance deployment, enhancing efficiency and scalability. This guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to launching an EC2 instance using Python.


Before proceeding, ensure the following requirements are met:

  • AWS Account: Sign up at AWS Console.
  • IAM User & Permissions: An IAM user with EC2-related permissions.
  • AWS CLI Installed & Configured: Install the AWS CLI and configure credentials.
  • Python Installed: Ensure Python 3.x is installed.
  • Boto3 Library: Install using pip install boto3.

Step 1: Set Up AWS Credentials

Configure AWS credentials using the AWS CLI or manually create the ~/.aws/credentials file:





Step 2: Install Required Libraries

Install the necessary dependencies using pip:

pip install boto3

Step 3: Create an EC2 Instance with Python

Use the following Python script to launch an EC2 instance:

import boto3

ec2 = boto3.resource(‘ec2’)

instance = ec2.create_instances(

    ImageId=’ami-0abcdef1234567890′,  # Replace with the desired AMI ID




    KeyName=’your-key-pair’,  # Replace with an existing key pair

    SecurityGroupIds=[‘sg-0123456789abcdef0’],  # Replace with a security group ID

    SubnetId=’subnet-0123456789abcdef0′  # Replace with a subnet ID


print(“EC2 Instance Created: “, instance[0].id)

Step 4: Verify the Instance

After execution, verify the instance in the AWS EC2 Console or use the AWS CLI:

aws ec2 describe-instances –query ‘Reservations[*].Instances[*].InstanceId’

Step 5: Connect to the Instance

SSH into the newly created instance using:

ssh -i your-key-pair.pem ec2-user@your-instance-ip


Using Python and Boto3, automating AWS EC2 instance deployment becomes efficient and scalable. This approach helps developers manage infrastructure as code, optimizing cloud resource utilization.