The AWS Startups Build Accelerator 2023 provided insights for budding entrepreneurs eager to scale their startups. Below, we summarize some of the critical lessons from this accelerator to help guide your startup toward success.

1. Prioritize the Customer: Building Solutions That Truly Matter

A common theme among successful startups is an unwavering focus on the customer. To build solutions that matter, you must deeply understand your customers’ pain points and needs. Startups often fall into the trap of building features based on assumptions, which can lead to wasted resources. Engage with your target audience early, gather feedback, and iterate based on real-world needs. As the AWS Startups Build Accelerator highlighted, customer-driven product development creates a direct path to market fit.

Pro tip: Conduct regular customer interviews, surveys, or beta testing to validate your assumptions about user needs.

2. The Art of MVP Scoping: Avoid Overengineering for Early Validation

One of the most critical decisions for startups is defining the scope of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The key here is to maintain your initial solution. The purpose of the MVP is to validate your concept quickly without wasting time and resources on unnecessary features. According to lessons from the AWS accelerator, the goal is to launch an MVP that solves the core problem well, not to build a comprehensive solution from the start.

Pro tip: Identify the “must-have” features that address your core customer problem and prioritize launching with those.

3. Build vs. Buy: Leveraging Existing Solutions for Non-Core Features

As startups scale, founders often face the “build vs. buy” dilemma. The AWS Startups Build Accelerator emphasized that founders should focus their development efforts on their core offering and leverage existing tools or services for non-core features. By using existing platforms, APIs, and third-party services, startups can save time, reduce costs, and focus on their unique value proposition.

Pro tip: Evaluate third-party solutions for features like payment processing, analytics, or authentication that are not core to your business model but are still necessary.

4. Iterate to Success: Transitioning from MVP to Minimum Lovable Product (MLP)

While an MVP helps validate your idea, transitioning to a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) is the next step to ensure customer retention and delight. The AWS accelerator stressed the importance of iterating based on user feedback and improving the product to the point where customers don’t just use it but love it. This means paying attention to user experience (UX), design, and performance as you scale beyond your MVP.

Pro tip: Gather actionable feedback from early users to refine the product and make it indispensable.

5. Documenting the Journey: Capturing Wins, Failures, and Lessons Learned

Startup journeys are filled with successes and failures, both critical learning points. The AWS Startups Build Accelerator encouraged founders to document their progress, from initial setbacks to product wins. By tracking your journey, you create a valuable resource for future decisions, identify patterns in success or failure, and provide transparency to your team and stakeholders.

Pro tip: Use tools like Notion or Confluence to maintain a living document of your journey and hold regular reflection meetings to extract lessons from your experiences.


The AWS Startups Build Accelerator 2023 underscored several actionable lessons that can accelerate startup growth. By prioritizing customers, launching lean MVPs, leveraging existing solutions, iterating toward MLP, and documenting your journey, your startup will be well-positioned for long-term success.


AWS launches enhanced AWS Startups experience featuring AWS Build

Build Accelerator