When working with Amazon DynamoDB, caching is one of the primary considerations for enhancing performance. DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) is a fully managed, highly available, in-memory cache that can dramatically improve the performance of your DynamoDB queries. This blog post will guide you through setting up a DAX cluster for DynamoDB caching.

What is DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)?

DAX provides fast in-memory performance for your DynamoDB tables, reducing the response times for read-heavy workloads from milliseconds to microseconds, even at millions of requests per second. It is ideal for applications that require the lowest possible latency, such as gaming, financial services, and IoT applications.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a DAX Cluster

  1. Pre-requisites
    • An AWS account.
    • An existing DynamoDB table.
    • AWS CLI or AWS Management Console access.
  2. Creating a DAX Cluster
    • Step 1: Sign in to the AWS Management Console Navigate to the DynamoDB console at AWS Management Console.
    • Step 2: Open the DAX Console In the DynamoDB console, choose the “DAX” option in the navigation pane.
    • Step 3: Create Cluster Click on “Create cluster”. You will need to configure the following settings:
      • Cluster Name: Provide a name for your DAX cluster.
      • Node Type: Choose the node type. For testing purposes, you can select dax.r4.large.
      • Number of Nodes: Start with three nodes for high availability.
      • IAM Role: Create or select an IAM role with the necessary permissions.
    • Step 4: Cluster Settings
      • VPC and Subnet: Choose the VPC and subnet group for your DAX cluster.
      • Security Groups: Select the security groups that will control the traffic to your DAX cluster.
      • Parameter Group: Select a parameter group or use the default.
    • Step 5: Review and Create Review your settings and click “Create cluster”. AWS will take a few minutes to create your DAX cluster.
  3. Configuring Your Application to Use DAX

Step 1: Install the DAX Client SDK Depending on your application language, install the DAX client SDK. For example, for Python, you can install it using pip:

pip install amazon-dax-client

Step 2: Modify Your Code Modify your application code to use the DAX client for read operations. Below is an example in Python:

from amazondax import AmazonDaxClient

import boto3

# Initialize DAX client

dax = AmazonDaxClient(endpoint_url=’YOUR_DAX_ENDPOINT’)

# Use DAX client instead of DynamoDB client

table = dax.Table(‘YourDynamoDBTable’)

# Perform read operations using DAX

response = table.get_item(Key={‘PrimaryKey’: ‘key_value’})


  1. Testing and Monitoring
    • Use CloudWatch to monitor the performance and metrics of your DAX cluster.
    • Test the latency of your queries before and after integrating DAX to observe the performance improvements.
  2. Best Practices
    • Node Scaling: Start with the recommended three nodes and scale up or down based on your application’s needs.
    • Security: Use VPC and security groups to control access to your DAX cluster.
    • Cost Management: Monitor usage and optimize the node type and number to manage costs effectively.

By following these steps, you can set up a DAX cluster to significantly boost the performance of your DynamoDB tables.


DAX: How it works – Amazon DynamoDB