Introduction: The Need for Secure Cross-Account Communication

In cloud computing, secure communication between services across different AWS accounts is critical for maintaining data integrity and security. This need arises due to the increasing complexity of cloud environments, where multiple AWS accounts are used for better resource management, security isolation, and cost tracking. However, connecting services like API Gateway to a private EKS cluster in another AWS account can pose significant challenges.

Challenges and Constraints in Connecting AWS Services Across Accounts

Establishing secure cross-account communication involves overcoming several challenges:

  • Ensuring network security and data privacy.
  • Managing IAM roles and permissions across accounts.
  • Setting up and maintaining private network connectivity.
  • Handling endpoint configurations and approvals.

Overcoming Limitations with PrivateLink

AWS PrivateLink is a powerful service that enables secure communication between AWS services across accounts and VPCs without exposing your data to the internet. It simplifies network architecture and enhances security by keeping traffic within the AWS network.

Architecture Overview: Designing a Secure Communication Framework

We will leverage AWS services like API Gateway, VPC Endpoints, and PrivateLink to build a secure cross-account communication framework. We aim to securely connect an API Gateway in one AWS account to a private EKS cluster in another.

High-Level Diagram of the Solution

A high-level diagram of the solution includes:

  1. An API Gateway in Account A.
  2. A VPC Endpoint Service linked to an NLB in Account B.
  3. Private NLB is targeting the EKS cluster in Account B.
  4. VPC Interface Endpoints in Account A connected to the VPC Endpoint Service in Account B.

Key Components and Prerequisites

  1. API Gateway: The entry point for external requests.
  2. Network Load Balancer (NLB): Distributes traffic to the EKS cluster.
  3. VPC Endpoint Service: Provides a private link to the NLB.
  4. VPC Interface Endpoints: Enable communication with the VPC Endpoint Service.
  5. EKS Cluster: The target Kubernetes cluster.
  6. IAM Roles and Policies: To manage permissions and access control.

Implementation Steps: Building the Cross-Account Connection

Creating Private Network Load Balancers (NLBs)

  1. In Account B, create an NLB targeting the EKS cluster nodes.
  2. Ensure the NLB is set up to handle private traffic only.

Setting up VPC Endpoint Services and VPC Interface Endpoints

  1. In Account B, create a VPC Endpoint Service for the NLB.
  2. Create VPC Interface Endpoints in Account A to connect to the VPC Endpoint Service in Account B.

Approving Endpoint Requests and Testing Connectivity

  1. Approve the VPC Endpoint connection requests in Account B.
  2. Test the connectivity between the VPC Interface Endpoints in Account A and the NLB in Account B to ensure proper routing.

Creating VPC Link and API Gateway Integration

  1. Create a VPC Link in Account A that references the VPC Interface Endpoints.
  2. Integrate the API Gateway with the VPC Link, routing traffic to the EKS cluster in Account B.

Security Considerations: Safeguarding Cross-Account Communication

Network Security Groups and Private Endpoint Isolation

  • Use Security Groups to restrict traffic to only the necessary services and IP ranges.
  • Ensure the NLB and VPC Endpoint Services are isolated within private subnets.

Least Privilege Principle and Data Encryption

  • Apply the principle of least privilege when setting up IAM roles and policies.
  • Enable encryption for data in transit using TLS and for data at rest where applicable.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Monitoring

  • Use IAM roles with strict permissions to manage cross-account access.
  • Implement monitoring and logging using AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail to track and audit all access and actions.

Conclusion: A Robust Solution for Cross-Account Communication

Recap of Key Benefits and Considerations

  • Enhanced Security: PrivateLink ensures that data never traverses the public internet.
  • Simplicity: Simplifies the architecture by removing the need for VPNs or transit gateways.
  • Scalability: Easily scalable with NLB and API Gateway integration.


Building private cross-account APIs using Amazon API Gateway and AWS PrivateLink

Integrate Amazon API Gateway with Amazon EKS