Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda is a powerful serverless computing service that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. However, with great power comes great responsibility—especially regarding security. This cheat sheet will cover essential best practices for securing your Lambda functions and ensuring your AWS environment remains robust, compliant, and protected.

1. The Importance of Least Privilege in Lambda Execution Roles

One of the foundational principles of cloud security is the principle of least privilege. This involves granting Lambda functions only the permissions they need to perform their tasks. Avoid attaching overly broad IAM policies to your Lambda execution roles. Instead, tailor the permissions to the specific needs of each function. This minimizes the risk of unauthorized access to your AWS resources if the function is compromised.

Key Actions:

  • Use IAM policies to restrict access to only required AWS services.
  • Regularly review and update policies to ensure they reflect current needs.
  • Implement the IAM Access Analyzer to detect and eliminate unnecessary permissions.

2. Protecting Sensitive Data: Environment Variables and Secrets Management

Environment variables are often used to pass configuration information to Lambda functions. However, these variables can expose sensitive data like API keys, database credentials, and other secrets. AWS provides several mechanisms to protect this information, such as AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

Key Actions:

  • Store sensitive data in AWS Secrets Manager or Parameter Store.
  • Restrict access to environment variables containing sensitive data.
  • Use encryption to protect environment variables at rest and in transit.

3. Securing Lambda Functions within VPC Environments

Securely configuring your VPC settings is crucial for functions needing to access resources within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), such as databases or internal APIs. Isolate Lambda functions in private subnets and uses NAT gateways or VPC endpoints to enable outbound communication without exposing them to the public Internet.

Key Actions:

  • Place Lambda functions in private subnets within your VPC.
  • Use VPC endpoints to access AWS services securely without public IPs.
  • Configure security groups to control network traffic tightly.

4. Granular Permissions: Function Policies and Invocation Restrictions

Function policies are an additional layer of security that you can apply directly to Lambda functions. These policies specify who or what can invoke your functions. Restricting invocation permissions reduces the attack surface and ensures that only authorized users or services can execute your code.

Key Actions:

  • Apply function policies to control who can invoke your Lambda functions.
  • Use condition keys in policies to enforce context-specific access controls.
  • Regularly audit function policies to ensure they align with your security posture.

5. Staying Ahead of Vulnerabilities: Dependency Management and Scanning

Lambda functions often rely on third-party libraries and dependencies, which can introduce vulnerabilities into your code. It’s vital to manage these dependencies carefully and to scan them for security issues regularly.

Key Actions:

  • Use tools like AWS CodeGuru or third-party solutions to scan dependencies for vulnerabilities.
  • Regularly update your dependencies to patch known vulnerabilities.
  • Employ minimalistic packaging practices to include only necessary dependencies.

6. Code Signing: Ensuring Code Integrity and Preventing Tampering

Code signing is a security feature that helps ensure that only trusted code is deployed in your Lambda functions. By signing your code, you can detect if it has been tampered with and prevent unauthorized changes.

Key Actions:

  • Enable code signing for your Lambda functions using AWS Signer.
  • Establish trusted publishers and enforce signature validation on deployment.
  • Regularly audit code signing practices to maintain integrity.

7. Comprehensive Monitoring and Logging for Lambda Functions

Monitoring and logging are critical components of a secure Lambda deployment. AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail provide robust tools for tracking function execution, identifying anomalies, and auditing access to your Lambda functions.

Key Actions:

  • Enable detailed logging and monitoring for all Lambda functions using CloudWatch.
  • Set up CloudWatch Alarms to alert you to unusual activity or performance issues.
  • Use AWS CloudTrail to log API calls and track changes to Lambda function configurations.

8. Robust Error Handling: Dead-Letter Queues and Information Protection

When Lambda functions fail, handling errors in a way that doesn’t expose sensitive information or disrupt service continuity is essential. Dead-letter queues (DLQs) allow you to capture failed events for later analysis without losing them entirely.

Key Actions:

  • Configure DLQs for Lambda functions to capture failed executions.
  • Ensure error messages do not leak sensitive data by sanitizing logs and outputs.
  • Regularly review and process items in DLQs to resolve issues promptly.


Following these best practices, you can significantly enhance the security of your AWS Lambda functions, protecting your applications and data from potential threats. Remember, security is an ongoing process that requires continuous vigilance and adaptation to new challenges.


Security in AWS Lambda

Best practices for working with AWS Lambda functions