Introduction: Remote access to corporate resources requires robust security measures. AWS Client VPN provides a scalable and secure solution, enhanced by integration with CloudWatch Logs for monitoring and AWS Managed AD for authentication. This guide walks through configuring these components for effective remote access management.

Step 1: Setting Up AWS Client VPN Endpoint

  1. Navigate to AWS Management Console:
    • Go to the AWS Management Console and select Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).
  2. Create Client VPN Endpoint:
    • Click on “Client VPN Endpoints” in the left sidebar.
    • Click “Create Client VPN Endpoint”.
    • Configure the endpoint:
      • Specify Configuration Details: Choose your VPC, IP address range, and client authentication method (AWS Managed AD).
      • Authentication: Select AWS Managed Microsoft AD as the directory service.
      • Authorization: Define authorization rules to control access to network resources.
      • Client Configuration: Download the client configuration (.ovpn file) for deployment on user devices.
  3. Configure Security Groups and Route Tables:
    • Update associated security groups to allow VPN traffic (e.g., TCP port 443).
    • Adjust route tables to direct VPN traffic through the Client VPN endpoint.

Step 2: Configuring CloudWatch Logs for Monitoring

  1. Create CloudWatch Log Group:
    • Navigate to CloudWatch in the AWS Management Console.
    • Click “Log groups” and then “Create log group”.
    • Name your log group (e.g., /aws/vpn/clientvpn-logs).
  2. Enable VPN Endpoint Logging:
    • In the Client VPN Endpoint settings, enable logging to CloudWatch Logs.
    • Select the log group created in the previous step (/aws/vpn/clientvpn-logs).

Step 3: Integrating with AWS Managed AD for Authentication

  1. Set Up AWS Managed AD:
    • Navigate to AWS Directory Service and create or use an existing AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.
  2. Associate Client VPN Endpoint with AWS Managed AD:
    • In the Client VPN Endpoint settings, choose AWS Managed Microsoft AD as the authentication method.
    • Configure DNS servers and authentication settings based on your AWS Managed AD setup.

Step 4: Testing and Optimization

  1. Deploy Client Configuration:
    • Distribute the downloaded .ovpn client configuration to authorized users/devices.
  2. Verify Connectivity:
    • Test VPN connectivity using the client configuration on authorized devices.
  3. Monitor CloudWatch Logs:
    • Validate that VPN logs are appearing in the configured CloudWatch Log Group (/aws/vpn/clientvpn-logs).
  4. Optimize Settings:
    • Adjust VPN endpoint settings, security groups, and route tables based on performance metrics and security requirements.


Setting up AWS Client VPN with CloudWatch Logs and AWS Managed AD provides a secure and scalable solution for remote access to corporate resources. By following these steps, organizations can ensure robust authentication, comprehensive monitoring, and seamless integration with existing AWS infrastructure.