Integrating third-party APIs into your workflows is essential for building flexible and scalable solutions in today’s cloud-first world. With AWS Step Functions’ recent feature that allows direct API calls to third-party HTTPS endpoints, developers can simplify external API interactions without requiring Lambda functions or additional resources. In this guide, we’ll explore integrating these APIs using AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) for managing infrastructure and show you how to set up authentication, secure your workflows, and define custom states for HTTP tasks.

Introduction to Direct API Calls in AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions’ recent update allows direct HTTPS calls to third-party APIs. This feature significantly reduces the need for intermediary Lambda functions to handle API requests. Enabling direct API calls can streamline your workflows and reduce operational overhead, making it easier to interact with external services while maintaining flexibility in your architecture.

Step Functions achieves this integration through the state machine’s Amazon States Language (ASL), where you can configure custom HTTP tasks to handle these API calls.

Utilizing AWS CDK for Infrastructure as Code Management

AWS CDK provides a programmatic way to define cloud resources using familiar programming languages like TypeScript, Python, or Java. This Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool enables you to manage and provision AWS resources in a scalable, version-controlled manner, offering a significant advantage over manually configuring resources via the AWS Management Console.

Critical advantages of AWS CDK for defining infrastructure include:

  • Automation: Automatically deploy, configure, and update infrastructure resources.
  • Modularity: Create reusable, shareable constructs that simplify complex architectures.
  • Version Control: Maintain infrastructure definitions in source control for better tracking and auditing.

Using AWS CDK, we can define Step Functions that integrate with third-party APIs, ensuring that everything from security settings to execution permissions is handled through code.

Setting Up EventBridge Connection for Secure Authentication

AWS EventBridge can manage API keys or tokens required by third-party services to authenticate API requests securely. The EventBridge connection allows for secure, automated authentication between Step Functions and external APIs.

Steps to establish EventBridge Connection for API Authentication:

  1. Create an EventBridge connection in the AWS Management Console, specifying the authorization method (e.g., API key, OAuth, etc.).
  2. Define the authorization parameters, such as the API key or token in the connection configuration.
  3. Link EventBridge to the Step Functions state machine, ensuring secure handling of authentication credentials.
  4. Implement the EventBridge connection within the ASL definition of the Step Functions to pass credentials during API calls automatically.

Creating IAM Policies for Enhanced Security

Security is crucial when integrating third-party APIs, and IAM policies provide fine-grained control over which AWS services and resources can interact with external endpoints.

Steps to create IAM policies for enhanced security:

  1. Define custom IAM roles for your Step Functions state machine to restrict API calls to authorized endpoints.
  2. Limit permissions to only necessary AWS services, such as Step Functions and EventBridge.
  3. Implement the least privilege by ensuring the policy is scoped only to allow access to the specific third-party API URLs.
  4. Monitor API access using AWS CloudTrail to log and audit API calls made through Step Functions.

By carefully crafting IAM policies, you can protect sensitive data, ensure secure API calls, and prevent unauthorized access.

Implementing Custom States for HTTP Tasks

To integrate third-party APIs, you must define custom states in the Amazon States Language (ASL) for Step Functions. These states allow you to make HTTP requests directly and handle the responses within the state machine.

How to define custom states for HTTP tasks:

  1. Add an HTTP Task to your state machine using the Task state in ASL.
  2. Specify the API endpoint and configure any required headers or query parameters.
  3. Handle responses by defining appropriate success and failure states based on the response status codes.
  4. Use AWS SDK Integrations within the state machine to further process the API responses or pass them to subsequent states.

Here’s an example of an HTTP task definition in ASL:


  “Type”: “Task”,

  “Resource”: “arn:aws:states:::apigateway:invoke”,

  “Parameters”: {

    “ApiEndpoint”: “”,

    “Method”: “GET”,

    “Headers”: {

      “Authorization”: “Bearer <token>”



  “Next”: “SuccessState”


Testing and Debugging the Implementation

Testing and debugging third-party API integration ensures your workflows run smoothly.

Strategies for testing and troubleshooting:

  1. Use Step Functions’ built-in debugging tools to visualize and inspect state transitions, input, and output.
  2. Enable detailed logging in CloudWatch Logs to troubleshoot failed API calls.
  3. Mock API responses during development using tools like Postman to validate your state machine’s logic.
  4. Test authentication by manually verifying the EventBridge connection and ensuring that API keys or tokens are correctly passed.

Future Improvements and Optimization Suggestions

As you scale and enhance your API integration, consider these optimization strategies:

  • Automate retry mechanisms in your state machine to handle transient API failures gracefully.
  • Use Step Functions Express Workflows for high-volume API calls that require lower latency.
  • Leverage CloudWatch Alarms to monitor for failed API calls and trigger automated remediation.
  • Explore other authentication methods, such as OAuth2 or custom token providers, for more secure API integrations.


Direct API calls and AWS CDK make integrating third-party APIs into AWS Step Functions easier. You can create robust workflows that interact seamlessly with external services by combining secure authentication methods, custom IAM policies, and efficient state machine configurations.


Call third-party APIs in Step Functions workflows

Using AWS CDK to create an Express workflow in Step Functions