Introduction to Expo and AWS Integration

Expo is a robust framework for building React Native applications, providing a rich ecosystem of tools and services that simplify mobile app development. One of the most crucial aspects of modern mobile applications is the ability to send real-time push notifications, keeping users engaged and informed. AWS offers a robust suite of services that can be seamlessly integrated with Expo to manage push notifications effectively. In this guide, we’ll explore how to incorporate real-time push notifications in an Expo project using AWS DynamoDB and Lambda.

Setting Up Expo for Push Notifications

Before diving into AWS services, you must set up your Expo project to handle push notifications. Expo provides built-in support for push notifications, making it easier to manage tokens and handle notification events.

  1. Install Expo Notifications Package: Start by installing the necessary package.
    expo install expo-notifications
  2. Configure Push Notifications: Update your app.json or app.config.js with the correct permissions and notification configurations.

  “expo”: {

    “android”: {

      “permissions”: [“NOTIFICATIONS”]


    “ios”: {

      “supportsTablet”: true,

      “bundleIdentifier”: “com.yourcompany.yourapp”,

      “config”: {

        “googleServicesFile”: “./GoogleService-Info.plist”





  1. Request Push Notification Permissions: In your React Native components, request permission to send notifications and retrieve the push token.
    import * as Notifications from ‘expo-notifications’;

import * as Permissions from ‘expo-permissions’;

async function registerForPushNotificationsAsync() {

  const { status } = await Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);

  if (status !== ‘granted’) {

    const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);

    if (status !== ‘granted’) {

      alert(‘Failed to get push token for push notification!’);




  const token = (await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync()).data;


  return token;


Assigning Push Notification Tokens

Once you have the push notification token, storing it securely and associating it with the user in your DynamoDB table is essential.

Adding a push token Field to DynamoDB Tables
  1. Create a DynamoDB Table: If you haven’t already, create a DynamoDB table where user data will be stored.
  2. Add a pushToken Field: Modify your table schema to include a pushToken field. This will store the unique token assigned to each user.
Generating and Assigning Push Tokens to Users

After retrieving the push token in your Expo app, save it to the DynamoDB table alongside the user’s data.

import { API } from ‘aws-amplify’;

async function savePushToken(userId, pushToken) {

  const data = {

    body: {





  await‘YourApiName’, ‘/users’, data);


Creating a Lambda Function for Sending Notifications

AWS Lambda allows you to run backend code in response to events. In this case, the event is a new push notification being sent to a user.

Setting Up a Lambda Function with AWS Amplify
  1. Amplify Setup: Ensure AWS Amplify is initialized in your project.
    amplify init

amplify add function

  1. Choose a Lambda Function Template: Select the “Lambda trigger” template to create your function.
Writing the Lambda Function Code to Send Push Notifications

Write the logic to send push notifications using your Lambda function’s Expo push notification service.

const axios = require(‘axios’);

exports.handler = async (event) => {

    const { pushToken, message } = event;

    const response = await‘–/api/v2/push/send’, {

        to: pushToken,

        sound: ‘default’,

        body: message,




Configuring Lambda Function Triggers

Connecting the Lambda Function to DynamoDB Triggers

To automate push notifications, configure the Lambda function to trigger when a DynamoDB table is modified.

  1. Create a DynamoDB Stream: Enable streams on your DynamoDB table.
  2. Connect Stream to Lambda: In the AWS Management Console, link the DynamoDB stream to your Lambda function.
Ensuring the Lambda Function Runs on Table Modifications

The Lambda function should be configured to run whenever there are updates to the pushToken field or when a new item is added to the table.

Testing and Debugging

Using CloudWatch Logs for Troubleshooting

AWS CloudWatch logs Lambda functions, which can be invaluable for debugging.

  1. Check CloudWatch Logs: Navigate to the CloudWatch console to view logs generated by your Lambda function.
  2. Analyze Errors: Review log entries to identify and fix any issues.
Creating Test Events Based on Logged Events

Test your Lambda function by creating custom test events in the AWS Management Console, simulating DynamoDB updates.

Security Considerations and Best Practices

Limiting Permissions for the Lambda Function

To ensure security, limit the permissions granted to your Lambda function according to the principle of least privilege.

  1. Fine-Tune IAM Roles: Ensure the IAM role associated with your Lambda function has only the necessary permissions to access DynamoDB and send notifications.
  2. Review Security Groups: Regularly audit your security settings to avoid exposing sensitive data or granting excessive permissions.


Integrating Expo with AWS services like DynamoDB and Lambda allows you to build robust real-time push notification systems that engage users. This setup focuses on security and best practices and ensures your application remains robust and scalable.


Sending mobile push notifications and managing device tokens with serverless applications

Building a real-time notification system with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams for Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink