AWS Step Functions has been a game-changer for developers looking to orchestrate complex workflows efficiently. As businesses grow and the need for scalable solutions intensifies, AWS continues to evolve its offerings. One such innovation is the Distributed Map feature in Step Functions, designed to break through the limitations of traditional map processing by enabling parallel and distributed execution at scale.

Understanding AWS Step Functions and the Evolution of Map Processing

AWS Step Functions is a serverless orchestration service that allows you to build and run complex workflows with a series of steps, each performing a specific task. It’s a powerful tool for creating reliable, scalable applications by linking various AWS services.

Traditionally, Step Functions offered a Map state, which allowed you to process items in an array sequentially or in parallel within a limited scope. While effective for many use cases, this traditional Map state needed to be improved, especially when dealing with large datasets or tasks requiring massive parallel processing.

Introducing Distributed Map: Scaling Beyond Traditional Limits

The Distributed Map feature in AWS Step Functions extends the capabilities of the traditional Map state by allowing for large-scale, parallel processing of datasets. This new feature enables you to process vast amounts of data by breaking it down into smaller chunks and distributing the workload across multiple AWS resources, such as AWS Lambda, Batch, or any other service integrated with Step Functions.

With Distributed Map, you are no longer constrained by the limits of in-memory processing or the sequential execution of tasks. Instead, you can leverage the full power of AWS’s scalable infrastructure to process large datasets in parallel, drastically reducing processing time and increasing efficiency.

Optimized for S3: Leveraging Distributed Map for Concurrent Processing

The distributed map is optimized to work with data stored in Amazon S3. This optimization allows you to process large datasets stored in S3 by creating parallel processing tasks for each chunk of data. For instance, if you have a large S3 bucket containing thousands of objects, you can use a Distributed Map to process each object independently and concurrently.

This feature is handy for ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, data analytics, and other large-scale data processing workflows. Distributed Map significantly speeds up these processes, ensuring that your data-driven applications remain responsive and efficient.

Key Advantages of Using Distributed Map in AWS Step Functions

  1. Scalability: Distributed Map allows you to process large datasets in parallel, scaling automatically to handle workloads of any size.
  2. Efficiency: Distributed Map reduces processing time and workflow efficiency by distributing tasks across multiple AWS services.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: By optimizing resource usage and reducing processing time, Distributed Map can help lower operational costs, especially for data-intensive applications.
  4. Flexibility: Whether you’re processing JSON arrays, S3 objects, or any other dataset, Distributed Map offers the flexibility to handle many use cases.
  5. Integration: Distributed Map integrates with other AWS services, allowing you to quickly build complex, multi-service workflows.

A Practical Example: Squaring Numbers in an Array with a Distributed Map

To illustrate the power of a Distributed Map, let’s consider a simple example: we square each number in an array.

Step 1: Define the Input Array

Imagine you have an array of numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The goal is to square each number using a Distributed Map.

Step 2: Configure the Distributed Map State

In your Step Functions workflow, you would define a Distributed Map state that iterates over the array. Each iteration would invoke a Lambda function to square the number.


  “Type”: “Map”,

  “ItemProcessor”: {

    “ProcessorConfig”: {

      “Mode”: “DISTRIBUTED”


    “StartAt”: “SquareNumber”,

    “States”: {

      “SquareNumber”: {

        “Type”: “Task”,

        “Resource”: “arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:squareFunction”,

        “End”: true




  “ItemsPath”: “$.numbers”,

  “ResultPath”: “$.squaredNumbers”,

  “End”: true


Step 3: Deploy and Execute

Once deployed, the workflow will process each number in the array in parallel, invoking the Lambda function to square the number and store the result in a new variety.

Step 4: Review the Output

The output will be a new array: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25], showing the squared values of the original numbers.


AWS Step Functions’ Distributed Map is a powerful addition to the AWS ecosystem, providing the scalability and flexibility needed to process large datasets efficiently. Whether handling data stored in S3, performing complex transformations, or orchestrating multi-step workflows, Distributed Map offers the tools to do the job quickly and effectively.


Step Functions Distributed Map – A Serverless Solution for Large-Scale Parallel Data Processing

AWS Step Functions launches large-scale parallel workflows for data processing and serverless applications