When setting up additional drives or mounting a second Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume on an Ubuntu system, it’s common to encounter access issues, such as being repeatedly prompted for a password when interacting with the drive. This blog post will walk you through identifying the problem, applying a solution using the chown command, and improving your cybersecurity awareness as you troubleshoot standard Ubuntu drive access pitfalls.

Identifying the Issue: Password Prompt on Additional Drive

Suppose you’ve recently added a second drive or EBS volume to your Ubuntu instance. In that case, you might find that, despite successful mounting, you’re continuously asked to enter a password when trying to access or modify files. This issue usually occurs because the drive’s ownership and permissions aren’t correctly set, meaning the operating system doesn’t recognize you as the authorized user to manage or write to the drive.

The Overlooked Step: Importance of the Chown Command

One commonly overlooked step when adding new storage is adjusting the drive’s ownership using the chown command. By default, the newly mounted drive may be owned by the root user, meaning that unless you have root access or use sudo, you won’t be able to interact with it as expected.

To resolve this, the chown (change owner) command allows you to assign ownership of the drive or directory to a specific user or group, granting them appropriate permissions. This step is crucial, particularly in environments where multiple users or processes need access to a drive.

Here’s how you can use the chown command:

sudo chown your-username:your-username /mnt/your-drive

Replace your-username with your actual Ubuntu username, and /mnt/your-drive with the path to your mounted drive. This will ensure that the user you specify has both ownership and write permissions to the drive, solving the access issue.

Guide to Making a Second EBS Volume Accessible on Ubuntu

Let’s go through the process of mounting and making a second EBS volume accessible in an Ubuntu environment:

  1. Attach the EBS Volume to the Instance: First, ensure the additional EBS volume is correctly attached to your instance through the AWS Management Console.
  2. Identify the Volume: Use the lsblk command to list all block devices and verify that the new volume is recognized.
  3. Create a Filesystem: If the volume is new and unformatted, you’ll need to format it using a command like:
    sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf

Adjust the device name /dev/xvdf as per your system.

  1. Mount the Volume: Create a directory where you will mount the drive:
    sudo mkdir /mnt/my-drive

sudo mount /dev/xvdf /mnt/my-drive

  1. Set Permissions Using chown: As mentioned earlier, the chown command will allow you to change the ownership of the drive so that you can easily access it:
    sudo chown ubuntu-user:ubuntu-user /mnt/my-drive
  2. Automate Mounting on Reboot: To ensure the volume mounts automatically after reboot, edit the /etc/fstab file and add an entry for the new volume. For example:
    /dev/xvdf /mnt/my-drive ext4 defaults,nofail 0 2

Following these steps ensures that your new EBS volume is mounted, accessible, and secure across reboots.

Promoting Cybersecurity Awareness and Expertise

As we navigate technical solutions, we must focus on cybersecurity practices. When handling access permissions and ownership, always be mindful of who has access to what. Limiting drive access to only those who need it (principle of least privilege) reduces potential security vulnerabilities.

For example:

  • Avoid Giving root Permissions Unnecessarily: Regular users don’t need root-level access unless required for specific tasks.
  • Audit Permissions Regularly: Ensure that files and drives don’t have overly permissive settings that could expose sensitive data.

Building Community Through Sharing Knowledge and Insights

Ubuntu, and Linux in general, thrive on community knowledge sharing. If you’ve solved an issue like drive access, don’t hesitate to document your steps and share them within forums, blogs, or with your peers. Your experiences can help someone avoid hours of troubleshooting.

Encouraging a culture of openness and knowledge exchange fosters community and builds expertise across teams and individuals. Whether contributing to Ubuntu forums or hosting a local tech meet-up, sharing these insights strengthens the technical landscape for all.


Solving drive access issues in Ubuntu often concerns understanding ownership and permissions. Using the chown command to change ownership of mounted drives is essential to ensure seamless access. Beyond technical solutions, it’s crucial to consider cybersecurity practices and contribute to a community of shared knowledge.

By applying these tips, you’ll improve your system’s usability and security and contribute to a growing body of shared technical expertise.


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