Managing costs in cloud environments is critical for businesses leveraging AWS services like DynamoDB. While DynamoDB provides excellent scalability and performance, its costs can become significant with high read and write throughput. Integrating Redis or Memcached can mitigate these costs by reducing the load on DynamoDB. This post explores reducing DynamoDB costs using Redis or Memcached as a caching layer.

Why Use Redis or Memcached?

Redis and Memcached are popular in-memory data stores known for their high-speed data retrieval. By caching frequently accessed data, you can minimize the number of read and write operations on your DynamoDB tables, reducing costs.


  1. Reduced Read/Write Operations: Offload frequent queries to Redis/Memcached.
  2. Improved Performance: Faster data retrieval times.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Lower DynamoDB throughput costs.

Setting Up Redis/Memcached with DynamoDB

1. Choose Your Caching Solution

  • Redis: Offers advanced features like persistence, replication, and data structures (e.g., lists, sets, sorted sets).
  • Memcached: Simple, high-performance caching solution with a straightforward key-value store model.

2. Deploy Redis/Memcached

You can deploy Redis or Memcached using AWS services such as Amazon ElastiCache.

Steps for Deploying ElastiCache:

  1. Create a Cluster:
    • Navigate to the ElastiCache console.
    • Choose the engine (Redis or Memcached).
    • Configure the cluster (e.g., node type, number of nodes).
    • Launch the cluster.
  2. Connect to Your Cluster:
    • Use the endpoint provided by ElastiCache.
    • Configure your application to connect to the Redis/Memcached cluster.

3. Modify Your Application

Caching Read Operations:

  1. Check Cache: Before querying DynamoDB, check if the data exists in Redis/Memcached.
  2. Fetch from Cache or DynamoDB:
    • If data is in cache, return it.
    • If not, query DynamoDB and store the result in the cache for future requests.

import boto3

import redis

# Connect to DynamoDB

dynamodb = boto3.resource(‘dynamodb’)

table = dynamodb.Table(‘your_table_name’)

# Connect to Redis

cache = redis.StrictRedis(host=’your_redis_endpoint’, port=6379, db=0)

def get_item_from_dynamodb(key):

    # Check cache

    cache_data = cache.get(key)

    if cache_data:

        return cache_data

    # Fetch from DynamoDB

    response = table.get_item(Key={‘your_primary_key’: key})

    item = response[‘Item’]

    # Store in cache

    cache.set(key, item)

    return item

Caching Write Operations:

  1. Write to DynamoDB: Perform the write operation on DynamoDB.
  2. Update Cache: Update the cache to ensure consistency.

def write_item_to_dynamodb(item):

    # Write to DynamoDB


    # Update cache

    cache.set(item[‘your_primary_key’], item)

4. Monitor and Adjust

  • Monitor Performance: Use AWS CloudWatch to monitor DynamoDB and ElastiCache performance.
  • Adjust Cache Strategy: Fine-tune your caching strategy based on data access patterns.


Integrating Redis or Memcached with DynamoDB can significantly reduce costs while improving performance. You can achieve a cost-effective and efficient architecture by offloading frequent read and write operations to a caching layer. Start leveraging Redis/Memcached today to optimize your AWS infrastructure.


Caching for high-volume workloads with Amazon ElastiCache