Introduction: The Need for Speed in E-commerce Deployment

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, speed is of the essence. Whether you’re launching a new online store or testing a market’s viability, the ability to deploy and configure a fully functional e-commerce platform rapidly is critical. In this blog post, we’ll explore a streamlined approach to deploying an e-commerce store on AWS using Terraform and Ansible. We’ll demonstrate how this method allows you to validate the market viability of a store like TCB within just 2 hours.

The Challenge: Validating Market Viability of TCB Store in 2 Hours

Launching an e-commerce store often requires substantial time and resources. However, when you need to assess the market’s response to your product or concept quickly, a fast deployment is crucial. The challenge here is to deploy TCB Store, a fully functional Magento-based e-commerce platform, and validate its market viability within 2 hours.

The Solution: Automating Infrastructure and Configuration with Terraform and Ansible

To meet this challenge, we can leverage the power of infrastructure through code (IaC) and configuration management. Terraform and Ansible are potent tools that automate infrastructure deployment and software configuration. Terraform allows you to provision the necessary AWS resources quickly, while Ansible automates the installation and configuration of Magento, the e-commerce platform.

Step 1: Rapid Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform

The first step in our rapid deployment process is to set up the necessary infrastructure on AWS using Terraform.

Installing Terraform on AWS Cloud Shell

AWS Cloud Shell provides a browser-based terminal pre-configured with the necessary tools for cloud management, including Terraform. To begin:

  1. Launch AWS Cloud Shell from the AWS Management Console.
  2. Install Terraform using the following commands:

    curl -O


sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/

terraform –version

This ensures you have Terraform ready for provisioning infrastructure.

Deploying EC2 Instance in a VPC

With Terraform installed, create a Terraform script to deploy an EC2 instance within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):

  1. Create a file with the following configuration:

    provider “aws” {

  region = “us-west-2”


resource “aws_instance” “web” {

  ami           = “ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0”

  instance_type = “t2.micro”

  tags = {

    Name = “TCB-Store”



  1. Initialize and apply the Terraform configuration:

    terraform init

terraform apply -auto-approve

This will provision an EC2 instance in the specified AWS region.

Step 2: Automating Software Deployment with Ansible

With the infrastructure in place, the next step is to automate the deployment of Magento using Ansible.

Installing Ansible on EC2 Instance

  1. SSH into the newly created EC2 instance.

Install Ansible with the following commands:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install ansible2 -y

ansible –version

  1. This prepares the environment for automated software deployment.

Configuring Ansible for Magento Installation

Next, create an Ansible playbook to automate the installation of Magento:

  1. Create a magento-install.yml file:

– hosts: localhost

  become: yes


    – name: Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP



          – httpd

          – mysql-server

          – php

          – php-mysql

        state: present

    – name: Start Apache and MySQL


        name: “{{ item }}”

        state: started


        – httpd

        – mysqld

    – name: Download Magento



        dest: /var/www/html/magento.tar.gz

    – name: Extract Magento


        src: /var/www/html/magento.tar.gz

        dest: /var/www/html/

        remote_src: yes

  1. Run the Ansible playbook:

    ansible-playbook magento-install.yml
  2. This playbook automates the installation of the necessary software stack and Magento.

Step 3: Manual Magento Installation and Ansible Configuration

While automation speeds up most processes, some manual steps are still necessary to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Downloading and Installing Magento

Although Ansible handles the initial download, some manual configuration of Magento is required:

  1. Navigate to the Magento directory:

    cd /var/www/html/magento2-2.4.2
  2. Follow the Magento setup wizard in the browser by accessing your EC2 instance’s public IP.

Configuring Ansible Playbooks

To further automate post-installation tasks, update your Ansible playbook to include Magento’s database configuration, file permissions, and cron job setup.

Step 4: Testing and Customizing the E-commerce Website

After setting up Magento, it’s time to test and personalize your store.

Accessing the Magento Admin Panel

To ensure everything works correctly, access the Magento admin panel via your EC2 instance’s public IP using the credentials you set up during installation.

Personalizing the Website Appearance and Content

Customize the look and feel of your e-commerce store by selecting themes, configuring settings, and adding products. This step is crucial for tailoring the store to your market needs.

Step 5: Cleaning Up: Removing Deployed Resources

Once you’ve validated your market concept, clean up the resources to avoid unnecessary costs.

  1. Destroy the infrastructure provisioned by Terraform:

    terraform destroy -auto-approve
  1. Terminate the EC2 instance and other associated resources manually if necessary.

Conclusion: Accelerated E-commerce Deployment for Rapid Market Validation

Deploying an e-commerce platform rapidly is a manageable task. By automating infrastructure provisioning with Terraform and software deployment with Ansible, you can launch a fully functional e-commerce store in hours. This approach allows for quick market validation, ensuring you can make informed business decisions with minimal time and resource investment.


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