Terraform has become a vital tool in cloud infrastructure management, offering a consistent command-line interface for managing resources. This blog post will explore Terraform’s essentials, including an overview of its functionalities, core commands, critical commands, a sample workflow, and how to tidy up by removing resources.

An Overview of Terraform

Terraform, developed by HashiCorp, is an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that allows you to define and provision infrastructure using a high-level configuration language. It supports various cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, making it a versatile choice for managing multi-cloud environments.

Terraform’s primary goal is to enable efficient infrastructure creation, update, and versioning. Using configuration files, Terraform can describe the desired state of infrastructure and ensure that the current state matches the desired state through a series of commands.

Core Terraform Commands

Understanding its core commands is crucial to managing your infrastructure with Terraform effectively. Here are some of the key commands:

terraform init

This command initializes a working directory containing Terraform configuration files. It prepares the directory by downloading the necessary provider plugins and setting up the backend to store state files.

terraform plan

The Terraform plan command creates an execution plan that shows Terraform’s actions to achieve the desired state. This helps you understand the changes Terraform will make before actually applying them.

terraform apply

After reviewing the plan, the terraform apply command executes the actions proposed in the plan. It makes the changes necessary to reach the desired state of the configuration.

terraform destroy

When you no longer need specific resources, the terraform destroy command can delete all the resources defined in the configuration. This is useful for cleaning up and ensuring you are not incurring unnecessary costs.

Critical Commands in Terraform

In addition to the core commands, several critical commands are essential for effective Terraform management:

terraform validate

This command checks whether the configuration files are syntactically valid and internally consistent. It ensures that there are no errors in the configuration before proceeding with other commands.

terraform fmt

The terraform fmt command formats the configuration files in a canonical style, which helps maintain readability and consistency.

terraform state

The Terraform state command is used to manage the state file, which keeps track of the resources managed by Terraform. It includes subcommands like list, show, mv, rm, and pull for various state management tasks.

terraform taint

The terraform taint command marks a resource for recreation. The next terraform apply will destroy and recreate the tainted resource, which can be helpful when you want to force a resource to be rebuilt.

Sample Workflow in Terraform

A typical Terraform workflow involves several steps:

  1. Write Configuration: Create Terraform configuration files (.tf files) that define the desired state of your infrastructure.
  2. Initialize Directory: Run terraform init to initialize the working directory.
  3. Validate Configuration: Use terraform validate to ensure the configuration is correct.
  4. Create Execution Plan: Run terraform plan to see what changes Terraform will make.
  5. Apply Changes: Execute terraform apply to implement the changes.
  6. Review State: Use terraform state commands to inspect and manage the state file.
  7. Destroy Resources: When no longer needed, use terraform destroy to remove resources.

Tidying Up: Removing Resources with Terraform

When it comes time to clean up and remove resources, Terraform makes it straightforward with the terraform destroy command. This command will read the configuration files and the state file to determine which resources need to be deleted. It’s an effective way to ensure you are not leaving behind unused resources that could incur costs.

Before running terraform destroy, review the plan it generates, just like with terraform apply. This helps you avoid accidentally deleting resources that you still need.


Mastering Terraform involves understanding its core and critical commands and following a well-defined workflow. By leveraging Terraform’s capabilities, you can manage cloud infrastructure more efficiently and consistently. Review and clean up resources regularly to maintain a tidy and cost-effective environment.


Best practices for using the Terraform AWS Provider

Schedule automated operations for your Terraform managed resources on AWS