Migrating a WordPress site to AWS Lightsail can enhance performance, scalability, and reliability. AWS Lightsail offers a straightforward way to host WordPress with AWS infrastructure, providing robust cloud capabilities without the complexity of full AWS services. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step.

Step 1: Set Up Your AWS Lightsail Instance

  1. Create an Instance:
    • Log in to AWS Lightsail console.
    • Click on “Create Instance” and select the Linux/Unix platform.
    • Choose a blueprint that suits your WordPress installation needs (e.g., WordPress certified by Bitnami).
  2. Configure Instance Details:
    • Choose an instance plan based on your site’s expected traffic and performance requirements.
    • Configure the instance location (AWS region) and name your instance.
  3. Create the Instance:
    • Click “Create Instance” and wait for the instance to deploy.

Step 2: Prepare Your WordPress Site for Migration

  1. Back Up Your WordPress Site:
    • Log in to your current WordPress dashboard.
    • Use a plugin like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy to create a full backup of your site, including files and database.
  2. Download Backup Files:
    • Once the backup is complete, download the backup files to your local computer.

Step 3: Configure DNS and Point to AWS Lightsail

  1. Update DNS Settings:
    • Log in to your domain registrar’s account.
    • Update the DNS records to point to your new AWS Lightsail instance’s public IP address.

Step 4: Set Up WordPress on AWS Lightsail

  1. Access Your Lightsail Instance:
    • Once the instance is running, click on it in the Lightsail console to access its management page.
  2. Deploy WordPress:
    • Use the browser-based SSH terminal or SSH client to connect to your Lightsail instance.
    • Navigate to the /opt/bitnami directory (for Bitnami WordPress).
    • Upload your WordPress backup files to the instance using SCP or SFTP.
  3. Restore WordPress Backup:
    • Restore the WordPress backup using the same plugin or method used for backup.
    • Follow the plugin’s instructions to import your site’s files and database.

Step 5: Finalize and Test Your Migration

  1. Update WordPress URLs:
    • Log in to the WordPress admin dashboard of your new site.
    • Go to Settings > General and update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to reflect your domain name.
  2. Test Your Site:
    • Visit your domain to ensure that your WordPress site is working correctly on AWS Lightsail.
    • Test all functionalities, including pages, posts, plugins, and themes.

Step 6: Optimize and Secure Your AWS Lightsail Instance

  1. Implement Security Best Practices:
    • Set up a firewall (AWS Lightsail firewall or AWS Security Groups).
    • Enable automatic backups in Lightsail for regular data protection.
  2. Performance Optimization:
    • Configure caching plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache.
    • Consider using AWS CDN services like Amazon CloudFront for content delivery optimization.


Migrating your WordPress site to AWS Lightsail offers scalability, reliability, and robust performance benefits. By following these steps, you can seamlessly transition your site to AWS Lightsail while ensuring minimal downtime and maintaining site integrity.

By leveraging AWS Lightsail’s infrastructure, you position your WordPress site for future growth and enhanced performance in the cloud environment.