Introduction to Eksctl: Streamlining EKS Cluster Setup

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) has become a popular choice for managing containerized applications in the cloud. However, manually setting up and managing an EKS cluster can be complex and time-consuming. This is where Eksctl comes into play. Eksctl is a command-line tool that simplifies the creation and management of Kubernetes clusters on AWS EKS. It abstracts the complexity of setting up an EKS cluster, making the process fast, efficient, and scalable.

This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about Eksctl, from installation to advanced cluster creation and post-creation management.

Installing Eksctl: A Quick Start Guide

To get started with Eksctl, you first need to install it. Here’s a quick start guide to set it up on your local machine:

  1. On macOS:
    Open your terminal and run the following command:
    brew tap weaveworks/tap

brew install weaveworks/tap/eksctl

  1. On Linux:
    Use the following commands to install Eksctl on Linux:
    curl –silent –location “” | tar xz -C /tmp

sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin

  1. On Windows:
    You can download the latest Eksctl binary from Eksctl GitHub Releases and add it to your system path for Windows users.

Once installed, verify the installation with the following command:

eksctl version

This should return the version number to confirm that Eksctl is correctly installed.

Prerequisites for Using Eksctl

Before creating an EKS cluster using Eksctl, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  1. AWS CLI Configured:
    Ensure that AWS CLI is installed and configured with the correct AWS account credentials. You can configure the CLI using the following command:
    aws configure
  2. IAM Permissions:
    Ensure your AWS IAM user has sufficient permissions to create EKS clusters, including roles, VPCs, and networking components.
  3. kubectl Installed:
    Eksctl works with kubectl, the command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. Install it by running:
    curl -LO “$(curl -s”

chmod +x ./kubectl

sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

  1. AWS IAM Authenticator:
    This tool is required to authenticate the AWS IAM users accessing the Kubernetes cluster. It is typically bundled with Eksctl, but you can verify its presence or install it if needed.

Creating an EKS Cluster with Default Configuration

The beauty of Eksctl lies in its simplicity. You can create an EKS cluster with default settings with just a single command. Here’s how:

eksctl create cluster –name my-cluster –region us-west-2

This command will create a highly available EKS cluster in the specified AWS region (us-west-2) with default settings, including a node group and a VPC.

Key features of the default configuration:

  • Automatically provisions a VPC, subnets, and security groups.
  • Sets up the control plane and the worker nodes.
  • Configures networking and IAM roles.

Once the cluster is created, you can verify the nodes:

kubectl get nodes

Advanced EKS Cluster Creation with Custom Configurations

While the default configuration is convenient, many production environments require custom settings, such as specifying the instance types, node count, or VPC configurations. Here’s how you can create an EKS cluster with custom configurations:

  1. Create a YAML file with the custom configurations, for example:

kind: ClusterConfig


  name: custom-cluster

  region: us-west-2


  – name: custom-node-group

    instanceType: t3.medium

    desiredCapacity: 3

    minSize: 2

    maxSize: 5


      allow: true

      publicKeyName: my-keypair

  1. Run the following command to create the cluster using this configuration:
    eksctl create cluster -f custom-cluster.yaml

This setup allows you to fine-tune the EKS cluster according to your organization’s specific needs, such as controlling the instance types, node counts, and network configurations.

Managing EKS Clusters Post-Creation

After creating your EKS cluster, managing and maintaining it is crucial for long-term success. Here are a few post-creation management tasks that you might need to perform:

  1. Scaling Node Groups:
    You can scale your node groups up or down using Eksctl:
    eksctl scale nodegroup –cluster=my-cluster –name=custom-node-group –nodes=5
  2. Upgrading EKS Clusters:
    Keeping your cluster updated is essential for security and performance improvements. Use Eksctl to upgrade the cluster control plane:
    eksctl upgrade cluster –name my-cluster –region us-west-2

Similarly, you can upgrade the node group:
eksctl upgrade nodegroup –cluster=my-cluster –name=custom-node-group

  1. Deleting an EKS Cluster:
    If you no longer need a cluster, you can delete it using a single command:
    eksctl delete cluster –name my-cluster

This command will remove the cluster and associated resources, like the node groups and VPCs, freeing up any AWS resources being used.


Eksctl is a powerful tool that simplifies the creation and management of EKS clusters. It allows you to focus more on building and deploying applications than managing infrastructure. Whether you’re just starting with a default setup or diving into more advanced, custom configurations, Eksctl has you covered.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily create, manage, and scale Kubernetes clusters on AWS, boosting your productivity and simplifying your Kubernetes journey.


Get started with Amazon EKS – eksctl

Amazon EKS