Introduction to AWS Simple Email Service (SES)

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cloud-based email-sending service designed to help digital marketers and application developers send marketing, notification, and transactional emails. It is a reliable, scalable, and cost-effective solution for email communication, offering robust features for managing email-sending processes, tracking email interactions, and ensuring deliverability.

Elevate Your Emails with AWS SES Templates

Creating visually appealing and engaging emails can significantly improve the impact of your email campaigns. AWS SES Templates allow you to design and reuse email layouts effortlessly. These templates support HTML and plain text formats, making it easy to create professional-looking emails without writing repetitive code.

Tip & Trick #1: Design Eye-Catching Emails with HTML, CSS, and Static JavaScript

To design stunning emails, leverage the power of HTML, CSS, and static JavaScript. Here are some tips:

HTML Structure

Start with a clean and well-structured HTML layout. Use tables for the layout to ensure consistency across different email clients. Here’s a simple example:

<!DOCTYPE html>




    body {

      font-family: Arial, sans-serif;


    .container {

      width: 100%;

      max-width: 600px;

      margin: 0 auto;

      padding: 20px;


    .header, .footer {

      background-color: #f2f2f2;

      padding: 10px;

      text-align: center;


    .content {

      padding: 20px;

      background-color: #ffffff;





  <div class=”container”>

    <div class=”header”>

      <h1>Your Company</h1>


    <div class=”content”>


      <p>Welcome to our newsletter!</p>


    <div class=”footer”>

      <p>&copy; 2024 Your Company</p>






CSS Styling

Inline CSS is preferred for email templates to ensure styles are rendered correctly across all email clients. Avoid using external CSS files, as they might not be supported.

Static JavaScript

While JavaScript is limited to emails, it can be used for static purposes, such as generating unique identifiers or timestamps. Dynamic JavaScript interactions are typically not supported due to security restrictions in most email clients.

Tip & Trick #2: Simplify Template Creation with Semplates

Semplates is a tool designed to streamline the creation and management of AWS SES email templates. It offers an intuitive user interface and advanced features to simplify your workflow.

Key Features

  • Template Management: Easily create, update, and delete templates.
  • HTML and Text Support: Create templates with HTML and plain text content.
  • Version Control: Keep track of template versions and changes.

Getting Started with Semplates

  1. Install Semplates CLI: Follow the installation guide to set up Semplates CLI.
  2. Create a New Template: Use the semplates new command to create a new template.
  3. Deploy Your Template: Deploy your template to AWS SES with the semplates deploy command.

By using Semplates, you can save time and reduce errors when managing your email templates.

Critical Considerations for Using AWS SES Templates

When working with AWS SES Templates, consider the following:


Adhere to best practices such as using double opt-in, avoiding spammy words, and maintaining a clean email list to ensure your emails reach the inbox.


Use dynamic content to personalize your emails. AWS SES supports template variables that allow you to insert recipient-specific data, enhancing engagement.


Thoroughly test your templates across various email clients and devices to ensure they render correctly. Use tools like Litmus or Email on Acid for comprehensive testing.


Ensure your emails comply with regulations such as CAN-SPAM, GDPR, and other relevant laws. Include necessary disclaimers and unsubscribe links and respect user preferences.

Conclusion: Embrace the Fun and Functionality of AWS SES

AWS SES is a powerful tool for managing your email campaigns with ease and precision. You can create visually appealing and effective email templates by leveraging HTML, CSS, and tools like Semplates. Embrace the functionality of AWS SES to elevate your email marketing efforts and deliver engaging content to your audience.


Using templates to send personalized email with the Amazon SES API

Maintain consistency in emails with custom content using Amazon SES templates