Securing your environment is paramount in cloud computing. One key strategy for enhancing security in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) ecosystem is implementing a bastion host. This blog post will guide you through setting up a bastion host on AWS, ensuring a secure, manageable, and minimal entry point to your private resources within the AWS cloud.

What is a Bastion Host?

A bastion host is a server whose purpose is to provide access to a private network from an external network, such as the Internet. It is hardened and secured in such a way that it stands as a controlled and monitored entry point, mitigating the risk of attacks on the internal network. In AWS, bastion hosts are typically placed in the public subnet of a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to manage access to instances in private subnets.

Step 1: Setting Up Your VPC and Subnets

Before you create a bastion host, ensure you have a VPC set up with at least one public subnet. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a VPC in the AWS Management Console under the VPC Dashboard.
  2. Add a public subnet to your VPC in a region that suits your latency and data sovereignty requirements.

Step 2: Launching the Bastion Host Instance

Use an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is hardened and suitable for use as a bastion host. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the EC2 Dashboard and click on “Launch Instance”.
  2. Select a secure and hardened AMI, like Amazon Linux 2 or a similar hardened version.
  3. Choose an instance type (e.g., t2.micro for testing purposes or more robust options for production).
  4. Configure the instance to launch in your VPC’s public subnet and enable public IP assignment.
  5. Add storage as required and configure the security group.

Step 3: Configuring Security Groups

Security groups act as a virtual firewall for your bastion host to control inbound and outbound traffic. Configure it as follows:

  1. Inbound rules: Allow SSH access (port 22) from your IP address or range to limit access to the host.
  2. Outbound rules: Allow outbound connections to the internet for updates and patches.

Step 4: Harden Your Bastion Host

After launching your instance, take the following steps to secure it:

  1. Update all software to the latest versions.
  2. Configure SSH keys for authentication instead of passwords.
  3. Enable logging and monitoring using AWS CloudWatch to track access and system events.

Step 5: Monitor and Maintain

Regular monitoring and maintenance are vital for the security and efficiency of your bastion host:

  1. Regularly review access patterns and security group settings.
  2. Patch and update the system as needed.
  3. Rotate SSH keys periodically to enhance security.


Setting up a bastion host on AWS is straightforward and significantly increases the security of your cloud-based systems. By following these steps, you can ensure that your bastion host serves as a robust frontline defense for securely accessing your internal networks.