Migrating your AWS Lightsail instance from an IPv4 to an IPv6 address is a strategic move to future-proof your applications, ensuring they remain accessible as the world shifts towards IPv6. This guide will walk you through the process, making it seamless and efficient.

Why Switch to IPv6?

  1. Expanded Address Space: IPv6 offers a vastly larger address pool compared to IPv4.
  2. Improved Performance: Direct addressing without the need for NAT can enhance connectivity.
  3. Future-Proofing: As IPv4 addresses deplete, IPv6 ensures continued scalability.


Before starting, ensure you have:

  • An active AWS account
  • An existing AWS Lightsail instance

Step-by-Step Guide to Switching to IPv6

Step 1: Enable IPv6 in Lightsail

  1. Navigate to Lightsail Dashboard:
    • Log in to your AWS account and go to the Lightsail console.
  2. Select Your Instance:
    • Choose the instance you want to configure.
  3. Enable IPv6:
    • Go to the “Networking” tab.
    • Click on the “IPv6” section and enable IPv6. AWS will automatically assign an IPv6 address to your instance.

Step 2: Update DNS Settings

  1. Access DNS Settings:
    • In the Lightsail console, navigate to the “Networking” tab.
    • Select “DNS zones.”
  2. Add IPv6 Record:
    • Add a new AAAA record with your domain, pointing to the newly assigned IPv6 address.

Step 3: Update Security Groups

  1. Modify Firewall Rules:
    • Go to the “Networking” tab of your instance.
    • Edit your firewall settings to allow traffic on the necessary ports for your application, ensuring you add rules for IPv6.

Step 4: Test Connectivity

  1. Verify IPv6 Address:
    • SSH into your instance and run ip -6 addr to confirm the IPv6 address is correctly assigned.
  2. Check Application Accessibility:
    • Use online tools or another IPv6-enabled device to access your application via its new IPv6 address.


Transitioning to IPv6 on AWS Lightsail is a strategic step towards future-proofing your applications. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth transition, maintaining and potentially enhancing your application’s performance and accessibility.