In the dynamic world of cloud computing, security is paramount. Ensuring your AWS infrastructure is regularly patched and hardened against vulnerabilities is essential for maintaining operational resilience and compliance. AWS Patch Manager, a feature of AWS Systems Manager, offers an automated solution to patch your Amazon EC2 instances, reducing the manual effort required and helping you maintain a secure environment.

This guide will walk you through using AWS Patch Manager for system hardening, including setting IAM roles, configuring patch baselines, and verifying the success of patching operations.

Introduction to AWS Systems Manager and Its Role in Security

AWS Systems Manager is a powerful service that simplifies infrastructure management. It allows you to automate operational tasks such as patch management, inventory collection, and application management across your AWS resources. When it comes to security, Systems Manager’s Patch Manager helps automate the process of patching your EC2 instances with security updates and bug fixes, ensuring that your infrastructure remains secure and up to date.

Patch Manager applies patch baselines that you configure to your EC2 instances. It ensures that all necessary updates are installed while providing detailed logs of patch compliance. This helps protect your infrastructure from known vulnerabilities and ensures adherence to security compliance standards.

Understanding IAM Roles and Their Importance in System Management

IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles are critical in AWS security as they define the permissions of AWS services and resources when interacting. For the AWS Patch Manager to function correctly, specific IAM roles must be attached to your EC2 instances, giving them the necessary permission to communicate with the AWS Systems Manager and execute patching operations.

Configuring these IAM roles correctly ensures that your instances are securely patched without over-provisioning permissions, which could lead to potential security risks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring IAM Roles for EC2 Patching

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console: Navigate to the IAM dashboard.
  2. Create a new IAM role: Choose the “Create role” option and select EC2 as the trusted entity. This allows EC2 instances to assume the role.
  3. Attach necessary policies: In the permissions section, search for and attach the following policies:
    • AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
    • AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
  4. Review and create the role: Name your role (e.g., EC2PatchManagerRole) and make it.

By attaching these policies, the EC2 instance will have permission to communicate with the AWS Systems Manager and perform patching tasks.

Attaching IAM Roles to EC2 Instances for Enhanced Security

Once the IAM role is created, attach it to your EC2 instances. This can be done during instance creation or for existing cases:

  1. For existing instances:
    • Go to the EC2 dashboard, select your instance, and click Actions.
    • Under Instance settings, choose Attach/Replace IAM Role.
    • Select and attach the IAM role you created earlier (e.g., EC2PatchManagerRole).
  2. For new instances:
    • During the instance creation process, under Configure Instance, select the IAM role from the dropdown.

Attaching the IAM role ensures that the instance can communicate securely with the AWS Systems Manager for patch management operations.

Setting Up Patch Baselines in AWS Systems Manager

Patch baselines are essential for defining the rules Patch Manager will follow when applying patches to your instances. AWS offers default patch baselines for operating systems like Amazon Linux, Windows, and Ubuntu, but you can also create custom baselines.

To set up a patch baseline:

  1. Navigate to the Systems Manager console.
  2. In the Patch Manager section, click on Create Patch Baseline.
  3. Define the operating system and specify which patches (critical, security, etc.) should be applied.
  4. Optionally, specify approval rules and compliance levels for the patches.
  5. Save your patch baseline.

This custom baseline will apply patches based on your rules and conditions, ensuring the instances only install patches that meet your security and operational requirements.

Initiating and Monitoring Patching Operations for EC2 Instances

You can initiate patching once your IAM roles are configured and patch baselines are set up.

To initiate patching:

  1. Go to the Systems Manager console and select Patch Manager.
  2. Click on Patch Now, choose the patch baseline, and select the target EC2 instances.
  3. Review the settings and initiate the patching operation.

After patching begins, you can monitor its progress using the Systems Manager Dashboard. Logs and compliance reports are generated, allowing you to track which instances have been patched and identify any that require further attention.

Ensuring Compliance and Verifying Patch Application Success

AWS Patch Manager provides a detailed compliance report that lets you verify whether the patches have been successfully applied. This report includes the status of each instance, showing whether it’s compliant with the patch baseline. Additionally, you can set up AWS Config to monitor compliance continuously and alert you if any cases fall out of compliance.

To verify compliance:

  1. Go to the Systems Manager console and select Compliance.
  2. View the compliance status of your EC2 instances, including any missing patches or failed updates.

This ensures that your systems remain compliant with security and patching policies and provides a streamlined way to manage and audit your patching efforts.


AWS Systems Manager and Patch Manager offer a robust solution for automating patch management, reducing manual intervention, and ensuring your AWS infrastructure remains secure. By correctly configuring IAM roles, setting up patch baselines, and monitoring patch compliance, you can significantly enhance the security posture of your EC2 instances.


Patch management overview

Enhance your AWS cloud infrastructure security with AWS Managed Services (AMS)