
In today’s digital landscape, delivering optimized video content across various devices is critical for providing a seamless user experience. AWS Lambda@Edge offers a powerful solution to enhance content delivery by allowing developers to run serverless functions at AWS Edge locations. This article explores how Lambda@Edge can be leveraged to serve video content dynamically tailored to different device sizes, ensuring optimal performance and user satisfaction.

Understanding Lambda@Edge:

Lambda@Edge extends the capabilities of AWS Lambda to edge locations of the AWS Global Content Delivery Network (CDN) service, AWS CloudFront. By executing functions closer to end-users, Lambda@Edge reduces latency and improves the responsiveness of web applications. This proximity is particularly advantageous for tasks like customizing content based on user-specific criteria such as device characteristics.

Use Case: Serving Video Content Based on Device Size:

Consider a scenario where a video streaming platform needs to deliver videos optimized for various devices—mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. Lambda@Edge can dynamically select the appropriate video resolution or format based on the requesting device’s screen size.

Steps to Implement Lambda@Edge for Video Content:

1. Create Lambda Function:

   Begin by creating a Lambda function in the AWS Lambda console. This function will intercept requests coming through AWS CloudFront and customize the response based on device size.

   ‘use strict’;

   exports.handler = async (event) => {

       const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;


       // Extracting User-Agent header to detect device type

       const userAgent = request.headers[‘user-agent’][0].value;


       // Detecting device screen size from headers or query parameters

       const screenSize = getDeviceScreenSize(userAgent); // Implement this function


       // Modify the request based on device size

       const modifiedRequest = modifyRequest(request, screenSize); // Implement this function


       return modifiedRequest;


   function getDeviceScreenSize(userAgent) {

       // Logic to parse User-Agent and determine screen size

       // Example: Extract screen size from User-Agent header

       // For simplicity, this is a mock implementation

       if (userAgent.includes(‘Mobile’)) {

           return ‘small’; // Example: Mobile device

       } else if (userAgent.includes(‘Tablet’)) {

           return ‘medium’; // Example: Tablet device

       } else {

           return ‘large’; // Example: Desktop or larger device



   function modifyRequest(request, screenSize) {

       // Example logic to modify the request URL based on device size

       const origin = request.origin;

       const headers = request.headers;


       // Depending on screenSize, modify the request URL

       let modifiedUrl;

       switch (screenSize) {

           case ‘small’:

               modifiedUrl = ‘’;


           case ‘medium’:

               modifiedUrl = ‘’;


           case ‘large’:

               modifiedUrl = ‘’;



               modifiedUrl = ‘’;



       // Update request to fetch the appropriate video

       request.uri = modifiedUrl;


       return request;


2. Integrate with AWS CloudFront:

   Configure Lambda@Edge with AWS CloudFront to intercept viewer requests. This integration allows Lambda@Edge to modify the request dynamically based on device characteristics before passing it to the origin server or returning a cached response.

3. Detect Device Size Dynamically:

   Utilize Lambda@Edge to extract device information from HTTP headers (e.g., `User-Agent`) or query parameters. The `getDeviceScreenSize` function in the Lambda code snippet demonstrates how to determine the device’s screen size based on the `User-Agent` header.

4. Customize Video Delivery:

   Modify the request URL (`request.uri`) within the Lambda function (`modifyRequest`) to select the appropriate video asset URL based on the detected device size (`screenSize`). This approach ensures that each user receives the best-suited video resolution or format for their device.

5. Testing and Optimization:

   Thoroughly test the Lambda@Edge function across different device types (mobile, tablet, desktop) to validate its functionality and performance. Monitor AWS CloudFront logs and Lambda@Edge execution metrics in AWS CloudWatch to fine-tune and optimize the solution.


Lambda@Edge empowers developers to effectively deliver personalized and optimized video content tailored to various device sizes. By leveraging serverless computing at the edge, organizations can enhance user experiences with faster content delivery and reduced latency. Implement Lambda@Edge with AWS CloudFront to unlock the full potential of dynamic content customization and seamlessly meet the evolving demands of digital consumers.


  • AWS Lambda@Edge Documentation: [AWS Lambda@Edge](
  • AWS CloudFront Documentation: [AWS CloudFront](

This article demonstrates the practical implementation of Lambda@Edge for optimizing video content delivery based on device sizes, showcasing its versatility and efficiency in modern content delivery architectures.