Amazon Lex is a powerful service for building conversational interfaces using voice and text. By integrating Lambda functions, you can significantly enhance the functionality of your Lex bots. This comprehensive guide will walk you through building and integrating Lambda functions to validate bot input, craft messaging proxies, and connect API Gateway for a seamless experience.

Building a Lambda Function to Validate Lex Bot Input

Step 1: Create a Lambda Function

Navigate to the AWS Lambda console and create a new function. Select “Author from scratch,” give your function a name, and choose a runtime (e.g., Python 3.8).

Step 2: Define the Function Code

In the function code editor, add logic to validate the input from the Lex bot. Here’s a simple example in Python:

import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    slots = event[‘currentIntent’][‘slots’]

    response = {

        ‘isValid’: True,

        ‘violatedSlot’: None,

        ‘message’: None



    if not slots[‘SlotName’]:

        response[‘isValid’] = False

        response[‘violatedSlot’] = ‘SlotName’

        response[‘message’] = {‘contentType’: ‘PlainText’, ‘content’: ‘Please provide a valid input.’}


    return {

        ‘dialogAction’: {

            ‘type’: ‘ElicitSlot’,

            ‘slotToElicit’: response[‘violatedSlot’],

            ‘message’: response[‘message’],

            ‘responseCard’: None



Step 3: Configure the Lambda Function Permissions

Ensure your Lambda function has the appropriate permissions to interact with Amazon Lex. Attach a policy granting the lambda:InvokeFunction action to the function.

Integrating Your Lambda Function for Enhanced Lex Functionality

Step 4: Link Lambda Function to Lex Bot

Select your bot in the Amazon Lex console and navigate to the “Fulfillment” section. Choose “AWS Lambda function” and specify the ARN of your newly created Lambda function. This will allow Lex to invoke your Lambda function during the conversation flow.

Validating Your Bot: Putting Your Lambda Function to the Test

Step 5: Test Your Bot

Use the Lex console to test your bot. Provide inputs that should trigger validation logic in your Lambda function. Observe the responses and ensure that invalid inputs are correctly identified and handled.

Crafting a Lambda Messaging Proxy

Step 6: Create a Proxy Lambda Function

Sometimes, you might need to route messages through a proxy before they reach your Lex bot. Create another Lambda function to serve as this proxy.

import json

import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    lex_client = boto3.client(‘lex-runtime’)


    response = lex_client.post_text(







    return {

        ‘statusCode’: 200,

        ‘body’: json.dumps(response)


Step 7: Test Your Proxy Function: A Lambda Console Walkthrough

Using the Lambda console, test your proxy function by simulating an event with the inputText parameter. Verify that the function routes the message to Lex and returns the expected response.

The Final Link: Connecting API Gateway and Your Lambda Proxy

Step 8: Set Up API Gateway

Create a new API and configure a resource with a POST method in the API Gateway console. Set the integration type to “Lambda Function” and specify your proxy Lambda function.

Step 9: Deploy the API

Deploy your API to a stage and note the endpoint URL. The Lambda proxy can now send messages to your Lex bot using this URL.


Integrating Lambda functions with Amazon Lex allows you to add robust validation, proxy messaging, and API Gateway functionality to your conversational interfaces. Follow these steps to enhance your Lex bots and provide a more robust user experience.

Enabling custom logic with AWS Lambda functions

Using Lambda Functions