In today’s rapidly evolving cloud landscape, organizations of all sizes recognize the need for secure, scalable, and compliant cloud infrastructures. AWS Control Tower offers a robust solution for efficiently managing multi-account AWS environments. This guide will walk you through setting up and governing AWS accounts, automating account creation, enforcing policies, and enhancing compliance—empowering your team to maintain cloud governance seamlessly.

Introduction to AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower simplifies setting up and governing secure, multi-account environments on AWS. Designed to support AWS best practices, it integrates multiple AWS services to automate and streamline account management, security, and compliance. Control Tower is particularly valuable for organizations adopting multi-account strategies, enabling them to establish standardized account structures, apply compliance measures, and provide central visibility across all AWS accounts.

Setting Up and Governing Secure Multi-Account Environments

Control Tower creates a landing zone—a pre-configured, secure AWS environment with recommended settings for multi-account management. This setup includes essential components like AWS Organizations, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Config, and AWS CloudTrail, all configured according to best practices. Control Tower manages account creation, security baselines, and compliance monitoring within this centralized environment, providing organizations with a well-governed, scalable cloud infrastructure.

Automating Account Creation with Account Factory

Account Factory in Control Tower streamlines the creation of new AWS accounts while ensuring consistency in security and compliance settings. By defining pre-configured account blueprints, you can automate the provisioning process, minimizing human error and reducing setup time. Account Factory allows you to:

  • Specify organizational units (OUs) for account placement.
  • Apply guardrails and baseline policies at the time of account creation.
  • Customize configurations for security, network settings, and compliance requirements.

You can seamlessly automate account creation with Account Factory without compromising security or governance.

Implementing Guardrails for Policy Enforcement and Remediation

Guardrails are policy-based controls within AWS Control Tower that help enforce account security and compliance requirements. Control Tower provides two types of guardrails:

  1. Preventive Guardrails – These enforce rules that prevent users from performing restricted actions, such as accessing unapproved AWS regions or making unauthorized modifications.
  2. Detective Guardrails—These monitor accounts to detect policy violations and provide alerts for remediation, such as checking for non-compliant configurations in real-time.

By implementing guardrails, you can ensure that security and compliance policies are enforced consistently across all AWS accounts, reducing risk and increasing compliance transparency.

Utilizing Landing Zones for Efficient Multi-Account Management

Landing zones are the foundation of a multi-account strategy with Control Tower. These pre-configured AWS environments comprise key infrastructure components and recommended configurations, providing a standardized baseline for all new accounts. Control Tower’s landing zone simplifies multi-account management by establishing:

  • Organizational Units (OUs) are logical groupings that help structure accounts by business unit or purpose.
  • Shared Services Accounts – accounts dedicated explicitly to shared resources, such as logging or networking.
  • Core Security Baselines – pre-applied configurations for security, compliance, and monitoring.

Utilizing landing zones helps organizations manage accounts efficiently while ensuring each account aligns with organizational standards.

Enhancing Compliance Monitoring with AWS Config Integration

AWS Config integration in Control Tower enables continuous monitoring of account configurations to detect compliance deviations. AWS Config tracks resource configurations, evaluates them against compliance rules, and generates alerts when violations occur. Integration with AWS Config in Control Tower allows organizations to:

  • Automate Compliance Audits – Monitor compliance in real-time with pre-defined AWS Config rules.
  • Gain Visibility – Access a detailed history of configuration changes for improved auditing and troubleshooting.
  • Streamline Remediation – Use AWS Config findings to trigger automated remediation actions, ensuring accounts return to compliance quickly.

With AWS Config integration, AWS Control Tower provides centralized and proactive compliance monitoring, helping organizations maintain a secure and compliant cloud environment.

Customizing Accounts with Account Factory for Terraform (AFT)

Account Factory for Terraform (AFT) extends Control Tower’s capabilities by allowing account customization through Terraform, a widespread Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool. AFT enables you to define configurations in Terraform that apply to new AWS accounts provisioned through Account Factory. Benefits of AFT include:

  • Scalability and Flexibility – Manage infrastructure as code, enabling repeatable, scalable customizations across accounts.
  • Consistent Policies – Apply consistent configurations, policies, and network settings across accounts using Terraform templates.
  • Enhanced Automation – Integrate Terraform pipelines to automate account provisioning and customization further.

Using AFT, organizations can enhance AWS account management, enforce standardization, and meet specific compliance requirements efficiently.


AWS Control Tower offers a comprehensive solution for managing secure and compliant multi-account AWS environments. By leveraging Control Tower’s features—such as Account Factory, guardrails, landing zones, AWS Config integration, and AFT for Terraform—you can automate account creation, enforce security policies, and maintain compliance with minimal manual intervention. As organizations scale in the cloud, AWS Control Tower provides the tools to keep operations streamlined, secure, and compliant.


AWS multi-account strategy for your AWS Control Tower landing zone

Set Up and Govern Secure, Multi-Account AWS Environments with AWS Control Tower Partners