Introduction: Serverless NLP Model Deployment on AWS

In Natural Language Processing (NLP), Hugging Face models have become the go-to resource for developers and data scientists due to their robust capabilities and ease of use. Deploying these models in a production environment requires a scalable and cost-effective solution. Enter Amazon SageMaker, AWS’s fully managed service that allows you to deploy machine learning models at scale. By combining SageMaker’s serverless endpoints with Terraform’s Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach, you can create a seamless deployment pipeline for your Hugging Face models.

This guide will walk you through deploying a Hugging Face model on Amazon SageMaker using Terraform. We’ll cover everything from setting up your AWS environment to provisioning a SageMaker Notebook, preparing your model, and deploying it to a serverless endpoint.

Prerequisites: AWS Account Setup and Terraform Installation

Before diving into the deployment process, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • AWS Account: An active AWS account with appropriate permissions to create and manage SageMaker resources, IAM roles, and S3 buckets.
  • Terraform: Installed on your local machine. You can download Terraform from the official Terraform website.

Once you have these prerequisites, you can start provisioning your AWS resources.

Step 1: SageMaker Notebook Provisioning with Terraform

The first step in deploying your Hugging Face model is provisioning a SageMaker Notebook instance using Terraform. This notebook will be your development environment for preparing the model and scripting inference tasks.

Create a Terraform configuration file ( with the following contents:

provider “aws” {

  region = “us-west-2”


resource “aws_sagemaker_notebook_instance” “huggingface_notebook” {

  name                 = “huggingface-notebook”

  instance_type        = “ml.t3.medium”

  role_arn             = aws_iam_role.sagemaker_execution_role.arn

  lifecycle_config_name = “huggingface-lifecycle”


resource “aws_iam_role” “sagemaker_execution_role” {

  name = “sagemaker_execution_role”

  assume_role_policy = jsonencode({

    “Version” : “2012-10-17”,

    “Statement” : [


        “Action” : “sts:AssumeRole”,

        “Effect” : “Allow”,

        “Principal” : {

          “Service” : “”





  inline_policy {

    name = “sagemaker_policy”

    policy = jsonencode({

      “Version” : “2012-10-17”,

      “Statement” : [


          “Effect” : “Allow”,

          “Action” : [




          “Resource” : “*”






Run terraform init to initialize the working directory, and terraform apply to provision the notebook instance.

Step 2: Model Preparation and Inference Scripting within the Notebook

Once your SageMaker Notebook is up and running, it’s time to prepare your Hugging Face model. Start by cloning the model repository and installing the necessary libraries:

!pip install transformers boto3

Next, load your Hugging Face model and tokenizer and write an inference script to handle predictions:

from transformers import pipeline

model = pipeline(“text-classification”, model=”distilbert-base-uncased”)

def predict(text):

    return model(text)

This script can be further customized to meet your specific use case. Save the script within the notebook for future use.

Step 3: Model Compression and Secure Uploading to S3

With your model and inference script ready, the next step is to compress the model artifacts and upload them to an S3 bucket. This allows SageMaker to access the model during deployment easily.

Compress the model files:

!tar -czvf model.tar.gz model/

Upload the compressed model to an S3 bucket:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.client(‘s3’)

s3.upload_file(‘model.tar.gz’, ‘your-s3-bucket-name’, ‘models/huggingface/model.tar.gz’)

Ensure your S3 bucket is configured with proper access controls to maintain security.

Step 4: SageMaker Endpoint Creation: IAM Roles, Policies, and Configuration

The final step is to create a serverless SageMaker endpoint to serve your Hugging Face model. Update your Terraform configuration to include the necessary resources:

resource “aws_sagemaker_model” “huggingface_model” {

  name                 = “huggingface-model”

  execution_role_arn   = aws_iam_role.sagemaker_execution_role.arn

  primary_container {

    image = “”

    model_data_url = “s3://your-s3-bucket-name/models/huggingface/model.tar.gz”



resource “aws_sagemaker_endpoint_configuration” “huggingface_endpoint_config” {

  name = “huggingface-endpoint-config”

  production_variants {

    variant_name = “AllTraffic”

    model_name   =

    initial_instance_count = 1

    instance_type          = “ml.m5.large”



resource “aws_sagemaker_endpoint” “huggingface_endpoint” {

  name = “huggingface-endpoint”

  endpoint_config_name =


Apply the changes using terraform apply, and your serverless endpoint will be up and running.

Conclusion: Streamlined NLP Model Deployment with Serverless SageMaker

Following this guide, you’ve successfully deployed a Hugging Face model on Amazon SageMaker using serverless endpoints and Terraform. This approach simplifies the deployment process and ensures scalability and cost-efficiency, making it ideal for production-grade NLP applications.


Host Hugging Face transformer models using Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference.

Train and deploy Hugging Face models in minutes with Amazon SageMaker, AWS Trainium, and AWS Inferentia.