
In today’s digital era, video streaming applications have become increasingly popular. Building and deploying such an application requires a robust and scalable infrastructure. This guide will take you through a step-by-step process of building and deploying a video streaming application using AWS DevOps tools.

Project Overview and Architecture

Project Overview

The project aims to build a scalable and reliable video streaming application using AWS DevOps tools. We will leverage AWS CodeCommit for source code management, CodeBuild for building and testing, AWS Systems Manager for storing secrets, DockerHub for managing Docker images, S3 for storing artifacts, EC2 for deployment, CodeDeploy for application deployment, and CodePipeline for automating the CI/CD pipeline.


Our architecture will include the following components:

  • Source Code Management: AWS CodeCommit
  • Build and Test: AWS CodeBuild
  • Secrets Management: AWS Systems Manager
  • Docker Image Management: DockerHub
  • Artifact Storage: Amazon S3
  • Deployment: Amazon EC2 and AWS CodeDeploy
  • CI/CD Pipeline: AWS CodePipeline
  • Monitoring: CloudWatch and CodePipeline

Setting Up CodeCommit for Source Code Management

  1. Create a CodeCommit Repository:
    • Navigate to the AWS Management Console.
    • Go to CodeCommit and create a new repository.
    • Clone the repository to your local machine and add your project’s source code.
  2. Push Code to CodeCommit:
    • Add, commit, and push your code to the CodeCommit repository.

Configuring CodeBuild for Building and Testing

  1. Create a Build Project:
    • Navigate to the CodeBuild console.
    • Create a new build project and configure the source as your CodeCommit repository.
    • Define the build specifications in a buildspec.yml file.
  2. Build spec Configuration:
    • Add the necessary commands for building and testing your application in the buildspec.yml file.

version: 0.2




      – echo Installing dependencies…

      – pip install -r requirements.txt



      – echo Building the application…

      – docker build -t video-streaming-app .



      – echo Build completed on `date`


Storing Secrets with AWS Systems Manager

  1. Store Secrets:
    • Navigate to the AWS Systems Manager console.
    • Store your application secrets, such as database credentials and API keys, using the Parameter Store.
  2. Access Secrets in CodeBuild:
    • Update your buildspec.yml to retrieve secrets from AWS Systems Manager.



    DB_PASSWORD: my-database-password

Managing Docker Images with DockerHub

  1. DockerHub Configuration:
    • Create a repository on DockerHub for your Docker images.
    • Update your buildspec.yml to tag and push the Docker image to DockerHub.



    – echo Pushing the Docker image…

    – docker tag video-streaming-app:latest YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/video-streaming-app:latest

    – docker push YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/video-streaming-app:latest


Building and Storing Artifacts with S3

  1. Create an S3 Bucket:
    • Navigate to the S3 console and create a bucket to store build artifacts.
  2. Update Buildspec:
    • Update the buildspec.yml to store build artifacts in the S3 bucket.



    – ‘**/*’

  name: video-streaming-artifacts

Creating and Configuring EC2 Instance for Deployment

  1. Launch an EC2 Instance:
    • Navigate to the EC2 console and launch an instance.
    • Configure security groups, allowing necessary ports (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS).
  2. Install Docker:
    • Connect to your EC2 instance and install Docker.

sudo yum update -y

sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker

sudo service docker start

sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user


Setting Up CodeDeploy for Application Deployment

  1. Create a CodeDeploy Application:
    • Navigate to the CodeDeploy console and create a new application.
    • Define a deployment group and link it to your EC2 instance.
  2. AppSpec File:
    • Create an appspec.yml file to define the deployment instructions.

version: 0.0

os: linux


  – source: /

    destination: /home/ec2-user/video-streaming-app



    – location: scripts/

      timeout: 300

      runas: ec2-user

Creating and Automating the CI/CD Pipeline with CodePipeline

  1. Create a Pipeline:
    • Navigate to the CodePipeline console and create a new pipeline.
    • Add stages for source, build, and deploy.
  2. Pipeline Configuration:
    • Configure the pipeline to use CodeCommit as the source, CodeBuild for the build stage, and CodeDeploy for the deployment stage.

Monitoring Builds and Deployments

  1. CloudWatch Integration:
    • Monitor build and deployment logs using AWS CloudWatch.
    • Set up CloudWatch alarms for build failures or deployment issues.
  2. Pipeline Monitoring:
    • Monitor the status of your pipeline stages in the CodePipeline console.

Viewing the Deployed Video Streaming Application

  1. Access the Application:
    • Navigate to the public IP or DNS of your EC2 instance.
    • Ensure that your video streaming application is running correctly.


Following these steps, you have successfully built and deployed a video streaming application using AWS DevOps tools. This architecture ensures a scalable, reliable, and automated deployment process, leveraging the power of AWS services.


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