As organizations continue to embrace containerization, deploying Docker containers efficiently and cost-effectively becomes paramount. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) combined with EC2 Spot Instances offers an ideal solution for running non-critical applications. This blog post will guide you through deploying Docker containers using Amazon ECS with EC2 Spot Instances, ensuring you optimize costs while maintaining performance.

Why Use EC2 Spot Instances for Non-Critical Apps?

EC2 Spot Instances allow you to use unused EC2 capacity at a significant discount compared to On-Demand prices. These savings make Spot Instances ideal for non-critical applications that can tolerate interruptions, such as development environments, batch processing, and data analysis.

Key Components

  1. Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service): A fully managed container orchestration service that makes deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications easy.
  2. EC2 Spot Instances: Spare EC2 capacity is available at discounted prices, which is ideal for applications with flexible start and end times.
  3. Docker: A platform for developing, shipping, and running container applications.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Set Up Your Docker Environment

Ensure your Docker environment is set up and your application is containerized.

  1. Install Docker:
    • Download and install Docker from the official website.
  2. Create a Dockerfile:
    • Write a Dockerfile that specifies the instructions to build your application image.


FROM node:14

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .


CMD [“node”, “app.js”]

  1. Build Your Docker Image:

Run the following command to build your Docker image:

docker build -t your-app-image .

  1. Test Locally:

Test your Docker image locally to ensure everything works as expected:

docker run -p 8080:8080 your-app-image

Step 2: Push Your Docker Image to Amazon ECR

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a fully managed Docker container registry that makes storing, managing, and deploying Docker container images easy.

  1. Create an ECR Repository:

Go to the ECR dashboard in the AWS Management Console and create a new repository.

  1. Push Your Docker Image to ECR:

Authenticate Docker to your ECR registry:

aws ecr get-login-password –region your-region | docker login –username AWS –password-stdin

Tag your Docker image:

docker tag your-app-image:latest


Push the image:

docker push

Step 3: Set Up Amazon ECS with EC2 Spot Instances

  1. Create an ECS Cluster:
    • Go to the ECS dashboard and create a new cluster.
    • Choose the “EC2 Linux + Networking” template.
    • In the “Provisioning Model” section, select “Spot Instances.”
  2. Configure EC2 Spot Instances:
    • Configure the instance type, Spot allocation strategy (e.g., “capacity-optimized”), and the number of Spot Instances.
    • Set up Auto Scaling to ensure your cluster can scale based on demand.
  3. Create a Task Definition:
    • Define your container configurations, including the Docker image from ECR, memory and CPU requirements, and environment variables.
  4. Create a Service:
    • In the ECS dashboard, create a new service using your task definition.
    • Configure the service to use the Spot Instances in your cluster.

Step 4: Monitor and Manage Your Deployment

  1. Set Up CloudWatch Monitoring:
    • Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your ECS cluster and Spot Instances.
    • Create alarms to notify you of issues like instance terminations or insufficient capacity.
  2. Use Spot Fleet for Enhanced Reliability:
    • Consider using EC2 Spot Fleet to manage your Spot Instances, providing additional capacity-building strategies.


Deploying Docker containers using Amazon ECS with EC2 Spot Instances provides a cost-effective and scalable solution for running non-critical applications. By following the steps outlined above, you can leverage the power of containers and the cost savings of Spot Instances, optimizing your cloud infrastructure.


Four Steps to Run ECS Clusters on EC2 Spot Instances

Docker, Amazon ECS, and Spot Fleets: A Great Fit Together