AWS Security

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How to Receive Notifications for Login or Authorization Failures Using AWS CloudTrail, CloudWatch Log Alarms, and SNS

Set up FREE Consultation Monitoring and promptly reacting to log-in or authorization failures is crucial for maintaining the security of your AWS environment. AWS offers a seamless way to achieve this by integrating AWS CloudTrail, CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch Alarms, and SNS. This blog post will walk you through setting up notifications

2024-07-25T10:25:21-04:00July 4th, 2024|AWS, AWS Security, AWS Services, Cloud|Comments Off on How to Receive Notifications for Login or Authorization Failures Using AWS CloudTrail, CloudWatch Log Alarms, and SNS

How to Password Protect a Static Site Hosted on AWS Using S3, CloudFront, and Lambda@Edge

Set up FREE Consultation Protecting your static website hosted on AWS S3 and served through CloudFront is crucial for maintaining security and controlling access. One efficient method to achieve this is by implementing password protection using Lambda@Edge. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. Step-by-Step Guide to Password Protecting

2024-07-26T02:32:20-04:00July 2nd, 2024|AWS, AWS Lambda, AWS S3, AWS Security|Comments Off on How to Password Protect a Static Site Hosted on AWS Using S3, CloudFront, and Lambda@Edge

How to Encrypt an Unencrypted EC2 Instance on AWS

Set up FREE Consultation Encrypting your Amazon EC2 instance ensures that your data is protected at rest. If you have an existing unencrypted EC2 instance, you might wonder how to encrypt it without causing downtime. This blog post will guide you through the steps to efficiently encrypt an unencrypted EC2 instance

2024-07-26T02:55:47-04:00June 29th, 2024|AWS, AWS EC2, AWS Security|Comments Off on How to Encrypt an Unencrypted EC2 Instance on AWS

How to Create a Bastion Host on AWS

Set up FREE Consultation Securing your environment is paramount in cloud computing. One key strategy for enhancing security in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) ecosystem is implementing a bastion host. This blog post will guide you through setting up a bastion host on AWS, ensuring a secure, manageable, and minimal entry

2024-06-28T09:13:21-04:00June 28th, 2024|AWS, AWS EC2, AWS Security|Comments Off on How to Create a Bastion Host on AWS
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