Building and deploying a front-end website quickly and efficiently is critical in today’s fast-paced digital environment. AWS Amplify is a powerful tool that allows developers to create, deploy, and manage full-stack web and mobile apps in the cloud. This blog post will guide you through the process of deploying a frontend website on AWS Amplify, covering key aspects such as setting up your Amplify app, configuring authentication with AWS Cognito, setting up DynamoDB for data storage, creating IAM roles for Lambda functions, building Lambda functions for CRUD operations, and accessing these functions via API Gateway.

Setting Up a New Amplify App

Before discussing the specifics, setting up your AWS Amplify app is essential. AWS Amplify provides a streamlined process for getting your front end up and running.

  1. Create a New Amplify Project:
    • Start by installing the Amplify CLI if you haven’t already (npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli).
    • Initialize a new project with amplify init and follow the prompts to configure the project.
  2. Hosting Your Frontend:
    • You can deploy your frontend code using Amplify Hosting. Simply connect your GitHub repository or manually upload your frontend files.
    • Amplify automatically builds and deploys your app whenever you push changes to your main branch.
  3. Continuous Deployment:
    • Amplify supports continuous deployment, ensuring your website is always up-to-date with the latest code changes.

Configuring AWS Cognito for Authentication

Authentication is a crucial aspect of any web application. AWS Amplify seamlessly integrates with AWS Cognito to provide user authentication.

  1. Add Authentication to Your App:
    • Use the Amplify CLI to add authentication with amplify add auth.
    • Select the default configuration to create a basic authentication setup.
  2. Customizing Authentication:
    • AWS Cognito allows extensive customization, including multi-factor authentication (MFA), password policies, and social sign-in providers.
  3. Integrating Authentication in Your Frontend:
    • Amplify provides pre-built UI components for authentication, or you can build your custom authentication flow using Amplify’s API.

Setting Up a DynamoDB Table for Data Storage

AWS DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service for backend data storage that integrates well with Amplify.

  1. Create a DynamoDB Table:
    • Use amplify add storage to add a DynamoDB table to your project.
    • Define the primary key and any secondary indexes your application might need.
  2. Configuring Table Permissions:
    • Amplify automatically configures IAM roles and policies to ensure your app can access DynamoDB securely.

Creating IAM Roles for Lambda Functions

IAM roles are essential for managing permissions securely when your Lambda functions interact with other AWS services.

  1. Create IAM Roles:
    • Create IAM roles for your Lambda functions using the AWS Management Console or the Amplify CLI (amplify add function).
    • Attach policies that allow these functions to perform specific actions on DynamoDB or other services.
  2. Fine-Tuning Permissions:
    • It’s essential to follow the principle of least privilege, ensuring that each Lambda function has only the permissions it needs.

Building a Lambda Function for CRUD Operations

Lambda functions enable you to perform backend operations like Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) without managing servers.

  1. Add a Lambda Function:
    • Use the amplify add function to add a Lambda function to your project.
    • Choose the runtime (e.g., Node.js, Python) and configure the function to perform CRUD operations on your DynamoDB table.
  2. Testing the Function Locally:
    • Amplify allows you to test your Lambda function locally before deploying it to ensure it performs as expected.
  3. Deploying the Function:
    • Once tested, deploy the function using amplify push. Amplify handles the deployment and configuration for you.

Accessing Lambda Functions via API Gateway

API Gateway lets your front end communicate securely with your backend Lambda functions.

  1. Create an API with API Gateway:
    • Use amplify add api to create a new REST API and connect it to your Lambda functions.
    • Define routes (endpoints) and the corresponding Lambda functions for each HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  2. Testing the API:
    • After deployment, you can test the API endpoints directly through the API Gateway console or using tools like Postman.
  3. Integrating the API with Your Frontend:
    • Use Amplify’s API library to quickly call your backend from your frontend code.

Final Thoughts

Deploying a front-end website on AWS Amplify is a streamlined and efficient process that leverages the power of AWS services like Cognito, DynamoDB, Lambda, and API Gateway. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can build a scalable, secure, and performant web application with minimal effort.


Deploy a Web App on AWS Amplify

Getting started with deploying an app to Amplify Hosting