Automating infrastructure provisioning and security configurations in modern cloud environments is crucial for maintaining efficiency and compliance. This guide walks you through automating the provisioning of Amazon EC2 instances and the installation of security agents using Terraform and AWS Systems Manager (SSM). Additionally, we’ll incorporate Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for email notifications and set up IAM role-based permissions to secure your environment.

Introduction to the Project and Its Objectives

This project aims to automate the deployment of EC2 instances and the installation of necessary security agents, such as anti-virus or monitoring agents. Automation reduces manual intervention, increases consistency, and ensures compliance with security policies. You can enhance security and operational efficiency by utilizing Terraform for infrastructure provisioning and AWS Systems Manager for post-provisioning configurations.

Key Objectives:

  • Automate EC2 instance provisioning using Terraform.
  • Utilize AWS Systems Manager for automated security agent installation.
  • Configure Amazon SNS for real-time email notifications on provisioning success or failure.
  • Implement robust role-based permissions using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • Execute security-related commands on EC2 instances post-provisioning.

Setting Up Terraform for AWS Infrastructure Provisioning

Terraform is an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tool that allows you to define and provision AWS resources declaratively. To start automating EC2 provisioning, you must install Terraform, configure your AWS credentials, and write Terraform scripts for your desired AWS resources.


  1. Install Terraform: Download and install Terraform from HashiCorp’s official website.
  2. Configure AWS Credentials: Ensure that your AWS credentials (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) are set up in your environment.
  3. Define EC2 Instances in Terraform:
    • Create a Terraform configuration file to define your EC2 instance with an associated IAM role and security groups.
    • Specify the AMI, instance type, VPC, and subnet configurations in your script.

Example Terraform configuration for EC2 provisioning:
resource “aws_instance” “my_ec2” {

  ami           = “ami-0abcdef1234567890”

  instance_type = “t2.micro”

  iam_instance_profile =

  vpc_security_group_ids = []


  1. Run Terraform Commands:
    • terraform init: Initialize Terraform working directory.
    • terraform plan: Preview changes that Terraform will apply.
    • terraform apply: Apply the infrastructure changes and provision the EC2 instance.

Configuring AWS Systems Manager for Automated Security Agent Installation

Once the EC2 instance is up and running, AWS Systems Manager (SSM) allows you to run commands without SSH access. For example, you can automate the installation of security agents using SSM Run Command.


  1. Ensure EC2 is Managed by SSM:
    • Attach the AmazonEC2RoleforSSM managed policy to the EC2 instance’s IAM role to ensure SSM can manage the instance.
  2. Create a Systems Manager Document:
    • Use a pre-configured document or create a custom Systems Manager document to define the security agent’s installation steps.
  3. Automate Security Agent Installation:
    • Use the AWS-RunShellScript document to execute the installation commands.

Example command to install a security agent:

  “commands”: [

    “sudo yum install -y security-agent”



Integrating Amazon Simple Notification Service for Email Notifications

You can integrate Amazon SNS to send email notifications to ensure you’re notified about the provisioning and installation processes. AWS Systems Manager can trigger an SNS notification when specific events, such as command executions, are complete.


  1. Create an SNS Topic:
    • Create a new topic in the AWS SNS console (e.g., EC2-Provisioning-Status).
    • Subscribe your email to the topic.
  2. Integrate SNS with Systems Manager:
    • Configure Systems Manager to send notifications upon command success or failure via the SNS topic. This helps you stay updated on the status of provisioning and security installation.

Implementing Role-Based Permissions in AWS IAM

IAM roles are crucial in providing granular permissions to AWS resources. This project requires an IAM role for Terraform (provisioning resources) and the EC2 instances (communicating with SSM and other AWS services).

Key IAM Permissions:

  1. Terraform IAM Role:
    • Create a role with policies that allow it to create EC2 instances, configure SNS, and manage SSM documents.
  2. EC2 IAM Role:
    • Attach the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy to the role for EC2 instances to enable them to communicate with the AWS Systems Manager.
  3. Least Privilege Principle:
    • Always assign the minimal permissions needed for each role to reduce security risks.

Executing Commands on EC2 Instances Using AWS Systems Manager

With EC2 instances managed by SSM, you can execute scripts or install software remotely without the need for SSH or manual login.


  1. Navigate to the AWS Systems Manager Console.
  2. Run Command:
    • Select the AWS-RunShellScript document.
    • Target your EC2 instance and enter the commands to install security software or perform necessary configurations.
  3. Monitor Execution:
    • Review the execution output in the Systems Manager console to verify success.

Conclusion and Future Directions

Automating EC2 provisioning and security agent installation using Terraform and AWS Systems Manager will streamline operations, increase security compliance, and minimize manual intervention. This approach can be expanded further by integrating additional automation workflow monitoring tools and implementing auto-scaling for even greater flexibility.

Future Directions:

  • Implement Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) to manage EC2 instances dynamically.
  • Automate monitoring agent installations and patch management.
  • Leverage AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail for enhanced security and compliance audits.


What is an AWS Systems Manager?

Centralize software package distribution in AWS Organizations by using Terraform