Introduction: The Challenge of Manual Patching and the Power of Automation

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, keeping EC2 instances up-to-date with the latest patches is essential for maintaining security and performance. However, manual patching can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially when managing many instances. AWS Systems Manager simplifies this process by automating patch management, reducing the risk of human error, and ensuring your infrastructure is always compliant with the latest security updates.

Step 1: Establishing IAM Role for Secure Communication

Before you can automate patching, it’s crucial to establish a secure communication channel between your EC2 instances and AWS Systems Manager. This involves creating an IAM role with the necessary permissions. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the IAM Console: Log into the AWS Management Console and open the IAM dashboard.
  2. Create a New Role: Select “Roles” from the sidebar and click “Create role.” Choose “AWS service” and select “EC2” as the use case.
  3. Attach the Required Policies: Add the necessary policies, such as AmazonEC2RoleforSSM and AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore, to grant your EC2 instances permission to communicate with the Systems Manager.
  4. Name and Create the Role: Give your role a descriptive name and complete the creation process. Attach this role to your EC2 instances during launch or by modifying their settings.

Step 2: Launching and Tagging EC2 Instances for Patch Management

With the IAM role in place, the next step is to launch your EC2 instances and tag them for easy identification and management within the Systems Manager.

  1. Launch EC2 Instances: Use the AWS Management Console or CLI to launch new EC2 instances. Ensure you attach the IAM role created in Step 1.
  2. Apply Tags: During the launch process, add tags to your instances that categorize them for patch management. Common tags include Environment: Production or PatchGroup: Critical.

Step 3: Verifying EC2 Instance Visibility in Systems Manager Fleet Manager

Once your instances are up and running, verifying they are visible within AWS Systems Manager is essential.

  1. Access Fleet Manager: In the AWS Management Console, navigate to Systems Manager and select “Fleet Manager.”
  2. Check Instance Status: Ensure that your EC2 instances appear in the Fleet Manager dashboard and their status is “Managed.” This indicates successful communication between the cases and the Systems Manager.

Step 4: Utilizing AWS Patch Manager for Efficient Patching

AWS Patch Manager is a powerful tool within Systems Manager that automates the patching process for your instances.

  1. Open Patch Manager: From the Systems Manager dashboard, select “Patch Manager” under the “Node Management” section.
  2. Create a Patch Job: Click “Configure patching” to create a new patch job. Select the instances to be patched using the tags you applied earlier.
  3. Define Maintenance Window: Optionally, set a maintenance window to control when patching occurs, minimizing service disruption.

Step 5: Selecting and Applying Pre-configured Patch Baselines

AWS provides pre-configured patch baselines for different operating systems, which define the patches that will be applied to your instances.

  1. Choose a Baseline: In Patch Manager, select a pre-configured patch baseline that matches your OS, such as AWS-DefaultPatchBaseline.
  2. Apply the Baseline: Associate the chosen baseline with your patch job and begin patching.

Step 6: Monitoring Patching Status and Ensuring Success

Monitoring the progress of your patching activities is crucial to ensure everything runs smoothly.

  1. Access Patch Compliance Dashboard: Within Patch Manager, view the compliance dashboard to monitor the status of patches across your instances.
  2. Review Logs: Check the logs for any instances that failed to patch successfully and take corrective action if needed.

Advanced Patching: Creating Custom Patch Baselines for Windows AMIs

You can create custom patch baselines for more control over the patching process, especially for specialized environments like Windows AMIs.

  1. Create a Custom Baseline: In Patch Manager, choose “Patch baselines” and click “Create patch baseline.”
  2. Define Rules and Exceptions: Customize the baseline by specifying which patches to include or exclude, and set approval rules based on severity or release date.
  3. Apply to Windows AMIs: Associate the custom baseline with your Windows AMI instances for targeted patch management.


Automating EC2 instance patching with AWS Systems Manager saves time and ensures your infrastructure is secure and compliant with the latest updates. By following this step-by-step guide, you can streamline the patch management process, reduce the risk of human error, and maintain a robust cloud environment.


AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager

Automating ongoing OS patching