Introduction to AWS Resource Monitoring

Maintaining visibility over resource changes in today’s dynamic cloud environments is crucial for ensuring security, compliance, and cost management. AWS provides powerful tools like AWS Config and EventBridge to track and respond to resource lifecycle events. With Terraform, you can automate the setup of these monitoring tools, ensuring that your AWS infrastructure remains secure and compliant while minimizing manual oversight.

Enabling AWS Config for Resource Tracking

AWS Config is a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources. You can continuously monitor your resources and record configuration changes by enabling AWS Config. Here’s how you can enable AWS Config using Terraform:

resource “aws_config_configuration_recorder” “main” {

  name     = “main”

  role_arn = aws_iam_role.config.arn


resource “aws_config_delivery_channel” “main” {

  name           = “main”

  s3_bucket_name = aws_s3_bucket.config_bucket.bucket


resource “aws_config_configuration_recorder_status” “main” {

  name           =

  is_enabled     = true


This setup ensures that all configuration changes to your AWS resources are tracked and stored, providing a complete audit trail for your infrastructure.

Setting Up Email Notifications for Resource Changes

Setting up email notifications is essential to stay informed about changes to your AWS resources. AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) can be integrated with AWS Config to send notifications when specific resource changes occur. Here’s a Terraform example to create an SNS topic and subscribe to your email address:

resource “aws_sns_topic” “config_changes” {

  name = “config_changes_topic”


resource “aws_sns_topic_subscription” “email_sub” {

  topic_arn = aws_sns_topic.config_changes.arn

  protocol  = “email”

  endpoint  = “”


With this setup, you’ll receive an email notification whenever AWS Config detects a resource change.

Configuring EventBridge Rules for Resource Events

AWS EventBridge allows you to create rules that trigger specific actions in response to events from AWS services. You can use EventBridge to monitor AWS resource lifecycle events, such as resource creation, modification, or deletion. Here’s how to configure an EventBridge rule using Terraform:

resource “aws_cloudwatch_event_rule” “resource_changes” {

  name        = “ResourceChangeRule”

  description = “Capture resource lifecycle events”

  event_pattern = <<PATTERN


  “source”: [“aws.ec2”, “aws.s3”],

  “detail-type”: [“AWS API Call via CloudTrail”],

  “detail”: {

    “eventName”: [“RunInstances”, “TerminateInstances”]





resource “aws_cloudwatch_event_target” “notify_sns” {

  rule      =

  target_id = “send_to_sns”

  arn       = aws_sns_topic.config_changes.arn


This configuration ensures that an SNS notification is triggered whenever an EC2 instance is launched or terminated.

Defining Variables and Templates for Customized Alerts

Customizing your alerts based on specific resource types or actions is crucial for effective monitoring. Terraform allows you to define variables and templates to fine-tune your alerts. Here’s an example of defining variables for resource monitoring:

variable “monitored_resources” {

  description = “List of AWS resources to monitor”

  type        = list(string)

  default     = [“aws.ec2”, “aws.s3”]


resource “aws_cloudwatch_event_rule” “custom_rule” {

  name        = “CustomResourceChangeRule”

  event_pattern = jsonencode({

    “source”      = var.monitored_resources

    “detail-type” = [“AWS API Call via CloudTrail”]



Using variables, you can easily adjust which resources are monitored without altering the core configuration.

Receiving Notifications for Resource Creation and Deletion

One of the key aspects of resource monitoring is staying informed about resource creation and deletion events. By configuring AWS Config and EventBridge together, you can receive real-time notifications for these critical events. Here’s a sample Terraform configuration:

resource “aws_cloudwatch_event_rule” “create_delete_events” {

  name        = “CreateDeleteRule”

  event_pattern = <<PATTERN


  “source”: [“aws.ec2”, “aws.s3”],

  “detail-type”: [“AWS API Call via CloudTrail”],

  “detail”: {

    “eventName”: [“CreateBucket”, “DeleteBucket”]





resource “aws_cloudwatch_event_target” “notify_sns_create_delete” {

  rule      =

  target_id = “send_to_sns_create_delete”

  arn       = aws_sns_topic.config_changes.arn


This setup ensures that any creation or deletion of EC2 instances or S3 buckets triggers an immediate notification.

Conclusion: Enhancing Visibility with AWS Monitoring Tools

Monitoring AWS resources is vital for maintaining control over your cloud environment. By leveraging Terraform to configure AWS Config, SNS, and EventBridge, you can automate the tracking and notification of resource lifecycle events, enhancing visibility and ensuring timely responses to critical changes.


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