In modern cloud-native development, the need for efficient, scalable, and automated Kubernetes deployments is paramount. AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a popular choice for hosting containerized applications. By leveraging tools like Terraform, Bitbucket Pipelines, and ArgoCD, developers can streamline their infrastructure provisioning and automate deployments using a GitOps workflow. This blog post will explore how to integrate these tools for a seamless AWS EKS deployment pipeline.

1. Leveraging Terraform for AWS EKS Infrastructure Setup

Terraform is an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tool that simplifies cloud infrastructure provisioning. With Terraform, AWS EKS clusters can be provisioned and managed consistently and reliably.

Overview of Using Terraform to Provision AWS EKS Infrastructure:

  • Initialize Terraform: Start by creating a Terraform configuration that defines the AWS infrastructure, including the EKS cluster, VPC, subnets, and security groups.
  • Provision EKS Cluster: Terraform can create an EKS cluster, manage worker nodes, and configure necessary networking components using the official AWS provider.
  • Configuration Management: Manage cluster configurations such as IAM roles, node groups, and autoscaling parameters, all within Terraform code.

Terraform’s ability to manage both the AWS infrastructure and the Kubernetes resources ensures that your EKS cluster remains desired as defined by your Terraform configuration files.

2. Integrating ArgoCD for GitOps Workflow on AWS EKS

ArgoCD is a Kubernetes-native continuous deployment tool that follows the GitOps paradigm. It ensures that the desired application state stored in a Git repository matches the state running in a Kubernetes cluster.

Setting up ArgoCD and Its Dependencies on AWS EKS:

  • Deploy ArgoCD: Install ArgoCD onto the EKS cluster. The official ArgoCD Helm chart or Kubernetes can be used to deploy it.
  • Secure ArgoCD Access: Set up authentication and access control for the ArgoCD dashboard. ArgoCD can authenticate via OAuth, SSO, or a basic username-password setup.
  • Configure Repositories: Link ArgoCD to the Git repositories that store the desired application configurations and manifests. These repositories will serve as the source of truth for application states.

With ArgoCD, every time a change is pushed to the Git repository, the tool synchronizes the shift in the Kubernetes cluster, ensuring continuous delivery.

3. Configuring Bitbucket Pipelines for Containerized Applications

Bitbucket Pipelines is a CI/CD service integrated with Bitbucket repositories, enabling developers to automate application build, testing, and deployment stages. This process can be extended for containerized applications, including Docker image builds and pushes to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

Establishing Bitbucket Pipelines to Automate Application Containerization and Deployment to AWS ECR:

  • Define the Pipeline YAML: In the Bitbucket repository, create a bitbucket-pipelines.yml file to define the CI/CD pipeline. Include steps for building Docker images, running tests, and pushing images to AWS ECR.
  • ECR Authentication: Use AWS IAM and Bitbucket environment variables to authenticate and securely push the container images to ECR.
  • Tag and Versioning: Implement semantic or Git tag-based versioning for Docker images to ensure that ArgoCD picks the correct container image for deployment.

By automating containerization and pushing Docker images to AWS ECR, Bitbucket Pipelines streamlines the application lifecycle from code commit to production deployment.

4. Establishing GitOps with ArgoCD and Bitbucket Pipelines

GitOps is the practice of using Git repositories as the source of truth for managing infrastructure and application state. ArgoCD integrates seamlessly into this workflow, allowing for continuous deployment based on Git changes.

Configuring ArgoCD to Manage Deployments from a Dedicated GitOps Repository:

  • Repository Setup: Create a dedicated Git repository to store the application’s Kubernetes manifests or Helm charts.
  • ArgoCD Sync: Configure ArgoCD to track specific branches or tags from the repository. When changes are detected, ArgoCD automatically syncs these to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Deploy and Rollback: ArgoCD can roll back to a previous state in case of deployment failures, ensuring application stability during updates.

With ArgoCD managing the desired state, the infrastructure and applications are always up-to-date with the latest Git commits.

5. Automating CI/CD Processes with Bitbucket Pipelines and ArgoCD

The combination of Bitbucket Pipelines and ArgoCD can fully automate the CI/CD lifecycle. This integration provides end-to-end automation, from code changes and Docker image building to the deployment of updates to Kubernetes.

Automating the Entire CI/CD Lifecycle Using Bitbucket Pipelines and Integrating with ArgoCD for Continuous Deployment:

  • CI with Bitbucket Pipelines: As developers push code changes to Bitbucket, Bitbucket Pipelines triggers a build, tests the code, and pushes the Docker image to AWS ECR.
  • CD with ArgoCD: Once the Docker image is updated in AWS ECR, ArgoCD automatically pulls the new image and deploys it to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Monitoring and Observability: Utilize ArgoCD’s dashboard to monitor deployment statuses and logs, ensuring smooth, continuous delivery.

By automating these processes, you ensure faster release cycles, reduce human error, and maintain consistent deployments across environments.


By leveraging Terraform, Bitbucket Pipelines, and ArgoCD, teams can automate AWS EKS infrastructure setup, streamline the CI/CD pipeline, and enable GitOps for continuous deployment. This approach improves developer productivity and ensures reliable and consistent application deployments.


Continuous Deployment and GitOps delivery with Amazon EKS Blueprints and ArgoCD

GitOps model for provisioning and bootstrapping Amazon EKS clusters using Crossplane and Argo CD