Introduction to AWS CloudFormation’s Import-Existing-Resources Option

AWS CloudFormation has long been a go-to service for provisioning and managing AWS infrastructure. With the introduction of the Import-Existing-Resources feature, CloudFormation enables users to import and manage already existing AWS resources within CloudFormation stacks. This feature is invaluable for organizations that bring pre-existing infrastructure under infrastructure-as-code (IaC) practices, helping streamline management, improve scalability, and reduce manual configuration errors. However, this powerful feature has limitations and nuances, particularly around default resources like route tables and security groups, which can create challenges for AWS administrators.

Understanding the Limitations of Importing Default Route Tables and Security Groups

Users often encounter restrictions when importing default resources such as route tables and security groups. CloudFormation’s Import-Existing-Resources feature currently does not directly support importing default route tables or security groups, which limits flexibility when dealing with pre-existing VPC configurations. This limitation can be frustrating, especially if these resources are integral to an application’s network setup or security posture.

For instance, default route tables, crucial to directing network traffic, are foundational to many AWS deployments. Similarly, security groups control access at the instance level and are critical to ensuring network security. The inability to directly import these defaults complicates the management of an environment already running on AWS. It may lead to a fragmented infrastructure setup, where some components are managed via CloudFormation, and others remain in manual or ad-hoc configurations.

The Role of Custom Names in Resource Importation

Naming conventions are significant in AWS resource management, especially with IaC tools like CloudFormation. For the importation of resources to be successful, each resource must have unique, user-defined names. This is essential because CloudFormation relies on these names to identify and manage resources.

Without custom names, administrators might find that CloudFormation fails to import specific resources, leading to further complications in infrastructure management. A best practice is to adopt a standardized naming convention across AWS resources, mainly if they may later be imported into CloudFormation stacks. Custom names streamline the importation process and aid in organizing resources logically, reducing the likelihood of name conflicts and misconfigurations in the future.

Practical Implications and Workarounds for Importing Existing Resources

Given the limitations of the Import-Existing-Resources feature, there are several practical implications and workarounds AWS administrators can employ:

  1. Using Dummy Resources: One effective workaround is to create “dummy” resources similar to the default resources. For instance, creating a custom route table or security group, assigning it custom settings, and importing it into CloudFormation allows users to manage similar configurations without dependent on default resources.
  2. Exporting and Recreating Configurations: Sometimes, the best approach is to export configurations for default resources and recreate them as custom resources. This entails manually copying and applying the settings to a new resource within the CloudFormation stack. Though somewhat manual, this method aligns all resources under CloudFormation’s management, which can lead to smoother updates and configurations in the future.
  3. Resource Replacement: Another workaround is to replace default resources with CloudFormation-managed ones. For example, replacing a default security group with a custom security group governed by CloudFormation allows for more extensive automation. This approach may necessitate reconfiguring dependencies, which could briefly impact service availability.
  4. Importing Selective Resources: In cases where default resources are interwoven with other configurations, selectively importing only non-default resources might be advisable. This ensures that critical infrastructure components are managed via CloudFormation without disrupting the pre-existing setup.

Future Directions and Documentation Expectations for AWS CloudFormation

AWS continues to make strides in improving CloudFormation’s capabilities. A future iteration of CloudFormation could allow more seamless integration of default resources like route tables and security groups, especially as customers continue to request complete control over these foundational elements. Enhanced documentation outlining specific limitations and recommended workarounds for importing existing resources would benefit immensely.

Additionally, CloudFormation could improve by enabling conditional imports and offering better error reporting for import failures. AWS users would greatly benefit from an “import wizard” that could guide them through importing standard resource configurations and addressing common naming conflicts. Such improvements could reduce the friction administrators experience today when bringing pre-existing resources under CloudFormation’s purview.


AWS CloudFormation’s Import-Existing-Resources feature is a powerful tool for infrastructure management, but its limitations, particularly around default resources and custom naming, require careful navigation. By understanding these challenges and applying practical workarounds, AWS administrators can leverage this feature to bring existing resources into their CloudFormation stacks. As AWS continues to evolve this functionality, future updates and improved documentation will likely address these pain points, making resource importation a more seamless experience.


Import AWS resources into a CloudFormation stack with a resource import

Importing existing resources into a stack