Securing your AWS S3 bucket access becomes a top priority when collaborating with third-party vendors. Improper configurations can lead to data leaks, breaches, or unauthorized access, making it essential to implement stringent security measures. This guide will walk you through effective strategies for restricting and managing access to your S3 buckets while enabling smooth collaboration with third-party vendors.

Restricting Access to S3 Buckets: VPC Endpoints and IP Address Control

To ensure that third-party vendors access your S3 buckets securely, you can leverage Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints and IP address control mechanisms.

  1. VPC Endpoints
    A VPC endpoint lets you securely connect your VPC to AWS services like S3 without traversing the public internet. This ensures that traffic remains within the AWS network, mitigating potential risks from external threats. To configure a VPC endpoint:
  • Navigate to the VPC Dashboard in AWS.
  • Select “Endpoints” and click “Create Endpoint.”
  • Choose “com.amazonaws.region.s3” as the service and select the VPC and route table you wish to associate.
  • Update your S3 bucket policy to allow access only from the VPC endpoint.

This ensures that access to the S3 bucket is restricted to requests from within your specific VPC, preventing unauthorized external access.

  1. IP Address Control
    Another method to secure access is IP address allowlisting. By setting conditions in your bucket policy, you can limit access based on specific IP addresses or IP address ranges. For example, you can create a policy that only allows access from the vendor’s office IP addresses:


  “Version”: “2012-10-17”,

  “Statement”: [


      “Effect”: “Allow”,

      “Principal”: “*”,

      “Action”: “s3:GetObject”,

      “Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*”,

      “Condition”: {

        “IpAddress”: {

          “aws:SourceIp”: “”






This approach is ideal for securing access to vendors with known, static IP addresses, ensuring that only requests from trusted locations are granted permission.

Implementing Secure Access for Third-Party Vendors

When giving third-party vendors access to your S3 buckets, it is essential to follow least-privilege principles and attach tightly-scoped IAM policies.

Steps to Create and Attach IAM Policies for Third-Party Vendors

  1. Create an IAM Role specifically for the third-party vendor with minimal permissions. Navigate to IAM and select “Create Role.”
  2. Define the Permissions by creating a custom policy that allows the necessary actions (e.g., s3:GetObject) and restricts access to specific resources (e.g., your S3 bucket).
  3. Attach the Policy to the IAM role. For example:


  “Version”: “2012-10-17”,

  “Statement”: {

    “Effect”: “Allow”,

    “Action”: “s3:GetObject”,

    “Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*”



  1. Assign the Role to the vendor, ensuring that access is limited to what is necessary for their work.

This setup prevents third-party vendors from accessing unnecessary resources or performing actions beyond their scope of work.

Using Temporary Credentials and Signed URLs for Limited Access

When a vendor only requires access to a file or resource for a limited period, temporary credentials or signed URLs are excellent options for controlling access duration.

  1. Temporary Credentials via AWS STS
    AWS Security Token Service (STS) allows you to grant temporary vendor access by generating credentials with a defined expiration. These credentials can be used in conjunction with IAM roles for short-term access:

aws sts assume-role –role-arn “arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name” –role-session-name “session-name”

You can specify when these credentials are valid, ranging from a few minutes to several hours, ensuring vendors cannot retain access indefinitely.

  1. Signed URLs
    A signed URL grants temporary access to a specific object in an S3 bucket. You can define the expiration of the URL to limit the timeframe in which the vendor can download the object. Here’s an example using the AWS CLI:

aws s3 presign s3://your-bucket-name/object-key –expires-in 3600

This command creates a signed URL that is valid for one hour. This method is beneficial for one-time or time-sensitive access.

Monitoring and Logging for Enhanced Security

Monitoring third-party access is crucial to ensuring compliance and preventing misuse. AWS provides several tools to help you track access to your S3 buckets.

  1. Enable S3 Server Access Logging
    This feature provides detailed records of every request made to your bucket. These logs are stored in a separate S3 bucket, where you can analyze them to detect suspicious activity or unauthorized access attempts.
  2. Use AWS CloudTrail
    CloudTrail captures API-level actions for AWS services, including S3. You can set up CloudTrail to log events like object access or policy changes. This helps track the activities of third-party vendors and quickly respond to any abnormal behavior.
  3. Configure Amazon CloudWatch Alarms
    Set up CloudWatch Alarms to notify you when specific thresholds are exceeded, such as an unusually high number of requests from a third-party vendor. CloudWatch can be configured to alert you in real time, helping you respond swiftly to potential security incidents.


Securing S3 bucket access for third-party vendors is essential for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data. By restricting access using VPC endpoints and IP control, implementing secure IAM policies, utilizing temporary credentials and signed URLs, and setting up comprehensive monitoring and logging, you can confidently collaborate with external vendors while minimizing security risks.


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