Artificial Intelligence transforms industries by automating complex processes and enabling more intelligent decision-making. With Stability AI models gaining popularity for tasks like image generation and natural language processing, Amazon Bedrock offers a seamless platform for accessing these models. Combined with AWS Lambda, this creates a powerful serverless solution for AI-driven applications. This guide will walk you through using AWS Lambda with Amazon Bedrock to integrate stable AI models for efficient, scalable AI workloads.

Introduction to Using AWS Lambda with Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that provides developers access to various AI models, including Stability AI models, to build generative AI applications. As a serverless computing service, AWS Lambda is an ideal tool to invoke and manage these models without provisioning or managing servers. This combination of serverless infrastructure and cutting-edge AI models allows you to create scalable and cost-effective AI-driven solutions.

This post will cover setting up a serverless architecture integrating Stability AI models using Amazon Bedrock and AWS Lambda.

Setting Up the AWS SAM Project Skeleton

The first step in deploying an AWS Lambda function is setting up your project using the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM). AWS SAM helps you define and deploy serverless applications quickly. Follow these steps:

  1. Install AWS SAM CLI: Ensure you have the AWS SAM CLI installed on your machine. If not, follow the installation instructions from the official AWS SAM documentation.
  2. Create the Project Skeleton: Run the following command to create the SAM project skeleton:
    sam init
  3. Select the appropriate runtime (e.g., Python or Node.js) and choose the “AWS Quick Start Templates” option.
  4. Define Your Lambda Function: Modify the template.yaml file to define your Lambda function that will communicate with Amazon Bedrock. You’ll also need to configure the necessary IAM roles and permissions to access Bedrock.

Initial Deployment of the SAM Stack

Once the project skeleton is set up, deploy the initial version of the SAM stack:

  1. Build and Package the Application: Use the SAM CLI to build and package your application:
    sam build
  2. Deploy the Stack: Deploy the SAM stack by running:
    sam deploy –guided

This command will prompt you for environment-specific parameters like stack name, region, and permissions.

Enabling Stability AI Models in Amazon Bedrock

You must first enable and configure Amazon Bedrock to integrate Stability AI models. Follow these steps:

  1. Access Amazon Bedrock: In the AWS Management Console, navigate to Amazon Bedrock and enable access to Stability AI models in your account. Ensure that your Lambda function has appropriate permissions to invoke Bedrock API.
  2. Configure AI Models: Select the stable AI models you want to use (e.g., Stable Diffusion for image generation). These models can be directly accessed using API calls from AWS services like Lambda.

Integrating Stability AI Models with AWS Lambda

Once your SAM stack is deployed and Stability AI models are enabled in Amazon Bedrock, you can integrate the models into your Lambda function.

  1. Modify Lambda Code: In your Lambda handler function, add code to make requests to Amazon Bedrock API for invoking Stability AI models. For instance, your Lambda function should send the image generation requests and handle responses if you’re using Stable Diffusion.
    Here’s a sample Python code snippet that calls a Stability AI model through Bedrock:
    import boto3

bedrock_client = boto3.client(‘bedrock’)

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    response = bedrock_client.invoke_model(





    return response[‘generatedImage’]

  1. Test the Integration Locally: Use sam local invoke to run the Lambda function locally and verify its interaction with Bedrock.

Building and Deploying the Updated Lambda Function

After integrating the Stability AI models, you’ll need to rebuild and redeploy your SAM stack to AWS:

  1. Build the SAM Application:
    sam build
  2. Deploy the Updated Stack:
    sam deploy

This redeploys your Lambda function with the updated logic for invoking Stability AI models.

Testing the Integration with Stability AI Models

After deployment, you’ll want to test how well your Lambda function works with the Stability AI models.

  1. Invoke Lambda Function: Use the AWS Lambda console or CLI to invoke the Lambda function with an appropriate event payload. For example, send a prompt for Stable Diffusion to generate an image:
    aws lambda invoke \

–function-name your-lambda-function-name \

–payload ‘{“prompt”: “A serene landscape with mountains”}’ \


  1. Check Logs and Output: Verify the output and logs in CloudWatch to ensure that your Lambda function correctly invokes the Stability AI models through Amazon Bedrock.


By combining AWS Lambda’s serverless architecture with the power of Stability AI models available through Amazon Bedrock, you can build scalable, intelligent applications with minimal overhead. This architecture allows for flexible, cost-effective integration of AI capabilities into various workflows, making it ideal for dynamic, real-time applications.

This integration provides a streamlined solution for leveraging the latest AI advancements in the cloud, whether generating images, handling natural language processing tasks, or building custom AI models.


Stability AI models

Stability AI’s best image-generating models are now in Amazon Bedrock