As the new generation of AWS M7i-flex instances continues gaining traction, Ubuntu users may encounter challenges when connecting via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). While RDP is widely used for Windows instances, configuring and troubleshooting it on Ubuntu can be tricky. This guide covers a common issue faced with RDP connectivity failure on AWS M7i-flex Ubuntu EC2 instances and the steps taken to resolve it.

Initial Encounter with RDP Connectivity Failure

The first sign of trouble comes when attempting to connect to the AWS M7i-flex Ubuntu EC2 instance using RDP, only to be met with an error: “Cannot connect to the remote computer.” This error could have multiple causes, including misconfigured network settings, firewall restrictions, or instance-specific issues.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken

  1. Check the RDP Setup: Verify that the necessary software (xrdp) is installed on the Ubuntu instance. If not, install it using the following commands:
    sudo apt update

sudo apt install xrdp

sudo systemctl enable xrdp

Ensure that the RDP service is running:
sudo systemctl status xrdp

  1. Verify Ubuntu Firewall Settings: Use ufw (Ubuntu’s Uncomplicated Firewall) to check if port 3389 (RDP) is open:
    sudo ufw status

sudo ufw allow 3389

  1. Test Local RDP Access: Before diving into AWS-specific settings, try accessing the instance locally via RDP to confirm that the issue is not specific to AWS.

Security Group Adjustments and Instance Restart

A common source of RDP connectivity issues is misconfigured Security Groups. AWS Security Groups act as virtual firewalls, controlling inbound and outbound traffic.

  1. Edit the Security Group:
    • Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.
    • Select the instance.
    • Click on the Security Group linked to the instance.
    • Add an inbound rule to allow RDP (port 3389) traffic from your IP or any trusted IP range:
      Type: RDP

Protocol: TCP

Port Range: 3389

Source: Your IP (or any trusted source)

  1. Restart the Instance:
    After updating the Security Group, restart the instance to ensure all configurations are applied correctly.
    sudo reboot
  2. Test the RDP connection again after the instance restarts.

Investigating System Logs and SSH Access

If connectivity issues persist, it’s essential to dive deeper by examining system logs and verifying SSH access:

SSH Into the Instance: Ensure that you can SSH into the instance using the public or private IP address, depending on your setup:
ssh -i /path/to/key.pem ubuntu@<EC2-instance-public-IP>

  1. If SSH works, this confirms that the instance is running and accessible from the network.
  2. Check Logs:
    • Inspect system logs for any RDP-related errors. Standard logs to check include /var/log/xrdp.log and /var/log/syslog. These logs often reveal critical insights into misconfigurations or service failures.

tail -f /var/log/xrdp.log

tail -f /var/log/syslog

  1. Test Network Reachability:
    Use telnet or nc (netcat) to verify that the RDP port is reachable from your local machine:
    telnet <EC2-instance-public-IP> 3389
  2. If the connection fails, the issue is likely network-related.

Revisiting Previous Instance Success and New Instance Challenges

It’s not uncommon for users to have previously successfully set up an RDP connection on older instances but face issues when configuring new ones. In the case of M7i-flex instances, the underlying instance type changes might require configuration adjustments, such as network performance tuning or updated software dependencies.

  1. Compare Previous Configurations:
    Compare the security settings, firewall configurations, and installed software between the new M7i-flex and older working instances. This often highlights discrepancies that need to be resolved.
  2. Update and Reinstall RDP-Related Packages:
    Ensure all related packages are up-to-date. This is especially important on newer instance types like M7i-flex, which might rely on more recent software versions:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt reinstall xrdp

Implications and Future Updates

Troubleshooting RDP connectivity on M7i-flex Ubuntu instances often highlights deeper issues with instance configurations, security group settings, and the overall network setup. As AWS releases new instance types, staying up-to-date on the specific requirements and compatibility issues with your software stack is crucial.

In future updates, AWS may provide enhanced networking options or instance configurations that improve out-of-the-box support for RDP on Linux instances like Ubuntu. Keeping abreast of AWS’s release notes and community discussions can prevent these issues from arising in the first place.


Troubleshooting RDP connectivity issues on AWS M7i-flex Ubuntu EC2 instances can be complex. However, following a structured approach of checking software configurations, firewall settings, security group rules, and instance logs can quickly lead to a solution. As AWS continues to innovate, it’s important to stay proactive in updating configurations and mindful of networking rules.


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