Amazon Bedrock is redefining AI-powered services on AWS, allowing developers to integrate pre-built models like Titan for various tasks, including image generation. This guide will explore using Amazon Bedrock alongside AWS Lambda to create a seamless image generation pipeline. We’ll also cover setting up AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) to manage and deploy your Lambda functions, invoking the Titan model in Amazon Bedrock, and handling compatibility issues with Boto3.

Setting Up the Environment with AWS SAM

Before we dive into code, you’ll need to set up your environment. AWS SAM provides an easy way to manage and deploy serverless applications, including Lambda functions.

  1. Install AWS CLI and SAM CLI: Ensure that the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and the SAM CLI are installed.
  2. Configure AWS Credentials: Run AWS and configure it to set up your AWS credentials and ensure you have the correct permissions to interact with Lambda and Amazon Bedrock.

Next, create a new project:

sam init

Select an appropriate runtime (like Python 3.8) and template. This will create the basic structure for your Lambda function and SAM configuration.

Creating a Basic Lambda Skeleton

Once the project is initialized, head over to the hello_world directory. You’ll find the file containing a basic Lambda function skeleton inside. Modify it to handle image generation requests by interacting with Amazon Bedrock:

import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    response = {

        “statusCode”: 200,

        “body”: json.dumps({

            “message”: “Image generation initialized”,



    return response

This primary function returns a simple JSON response. We’ll modify this to interface with Amazon Bedrock in the following steps.

Deploying the Initial SAM Stack

To deploy this function, you need to build the SAM project and deploy it to AWS:

sam build

sam deploy –guided

During deployment, provide details like the stack name and region. SAM will handle the rest, creating the necessary AWS resources (Lambda function, roles, etc.).

Enabling Titan Image Models in Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock offers models such as Titan, which can be used for text generation and image creation tasks. To use Titan models, ensure they are enabled in your AWS Bedrock environment.

  1. Access Amazon Bedrock: Go to the Amazon Bedrock console and ensure the Titan model for image generation is accessible.
  2. Grant Permissions: Ensure your Lambda function has the necessary permissions to invoke Bedrock APIs. Attach the appropriate IAM policies that include bedrock:* permissions.

Modifying Lambda to Invoke Amazon Bedrock

Update the Lambda function to invoke Titan for image generation. You will use the Boto3 library to interact with Amazon Bedrock.

Install the necessary dependencies for Boto3 in your requirements.txt:


Modify your lambda_handler function to include the invocation of the Titan model:

import json

import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    bedrock_client = boto3.client(‘bedrock’)


    response = bedrock_client.invoke_model(



            ‘prompt’: ‘A futuristic cityscape’




    return {

        ‘statusCode’: 200,

        ‘body’: json.dumps({

            ‘message’: ‘Image generated successfully!’,

            ‘image_url’: response[‘output’]



This function sends a prompt (e.g., “A futuristic cityscape”) to the Titan model, and the generated image URL is returned in the response.

Addressing Compatibility Issues with Boto3

Some AWS regions may have different Boto3 compatibility issues with Amazon Bedrock, especially if the service is only partially available in your selected area. To address this:

  1. Check Region Availability: Ensure you’re using a region with Bedrock services, especially the Titan model.
  2. Boto3 Version: Make sure that the version of Boto3 in your Lambda environment is up to date, as Bedrock is a relatively new service and requires the latest Boto3 features.

Updating the Lambda Deployment

Once you’ve updated the Lambda function, you need to rebuild and redeploy it using SAM:

sam build

sam deploy

This will push the changes, ensuring that the Lambda function can invoke Amazon Bedrock and generate images using the Titan model.

Testing the Integration

Finally, test the integration to ensure everything is working as expected. The AWS Management Console or AWS CLI can invoke the Lambda function.

aws lambda invoke \

    –function-name titan-image-gen \

    –payload ‘{“prompt”: “A fantasy landscape”}’ \


Check the response.json file for the image URL returned by Amazon Bedrock. You should see the generated image URL based on the provided prompt.


By combining the power of AWS Lambda, Amazon Bedrock, and SAM, you’ve created an efficient and scalable serverless image generation pipeline using the Titan model. The flexibility of SAM allows for easy deployment and management, while AWS Lambda enables low-cost, on-demand image generation.


Amazon Titan in Amazon Bedrock

The easiest way to build and scale generative AI applications with foundation models