React applications have become increasingly popular for building dynamic user interfaces. AWS offers a robust platform for deployment to ensure your app reaches users securely and efficiently. This guide will explore the step-by-step process of deploying a React app on AWS, from configuring the AWS CLI to setting up S3 and CloudFront for fast and secure content delivery.

1. Getting Started with AWS CLI Configuration

The first step before deploying your React app is to configure the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface). The AWS CLI allows you to interact with AWS services directly from your terminal, simplifying the deployment process.


  • Install the AWS CLI: Download and install the AWS CLI from AWS CLI installation instructions based on your operating system.
  • Configure the AWS CLI: Run the following command to configure the CLI:
    aws configure
  • You must provide your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format.

Once configured, you can begin interacting with AWS services, such as S3 and CloudFront.

2. Setting Up an S3 Bucket for Hosting React Applications

AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) is perfect for hosting static websites, making it an excellent choice for deploying a React app.

Steps to create an S3 bucket:

  1. Create a bucket:
    aws s3 mb s3://your-react-app-bucket
  2. Set bucket permissions: Your React app should be publicly accessible. Set up proper bucket policies and permissions:
    aws s3 website s3://your-react-app-bucket/ –index-document index.html
  3. Update the bucket policy to allow public access:


    “Version”: “2012-10-17”,

    “Statement”: [


            “Effect”: “Allow”,

            “Principal”: “*”,

            “Action”: “s3:GetObject”,

            “Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::your-react-app-bucket/*”




3. Methods for Deploying Your React App: AWS CLI, Console, and Scripts

There are multiple ways to deploy your React app to the S3 bucket:

AWS CLI: You can upload your React app files directly to the S3 bucket using the CLI:
aws s3 sync build/ s3://your-react-app-bucket

  • This command synchronizes your local build/ folder with the S3 bucket, deploying your app.
  • AWS Console: You can manually upload the build/ folder from the AWS S3 Console. Navigate to your bucket, click “Upload,” and select all the files in the build/ directory.
  • Automation with Scripts: To automate the process, you can write a deployment script in your package.json:
    “scripts”: {

  “deploy”: “npm run build && aws s3 sync build/ s3://your-react-app-bucket”


Now, you can deploy with a simple command:
npm run deploy

4. Establishing a CloudFront Distribution for Secure and Fast Delivery

For improved performance and security, AWS CloudFront can be set up to deliver your React app via a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

Steps to create a CloudFront distribution:

  1. Create a CloudFront distribution using your S3 bucket as the origin:
    aws cloudfront create-distribution –origin-domain-name
  2. Configure the distribution to cache your content and set your default root object to index.html.
  3. Enable SSL/TLS for secure delivery by configuring an SSL certificate. AWS offers a free SSL service through ACM (AWS Certificate Manager).

After setting up CloudFront, your app will be accessible via the CloudFront URL, improving content load times globally and securing data transmission with HTTPS.

5. Deploying Your Infrastructure with AWS CloudFormation

To automate the entire setup process, you can leverage AWS CloudFormation, which allows you to define your AWS resources as code.

Steps to deploy infrastructure with CloudFormation:

  1. Create a CloudFormation template for your S3 bucket, CloudFront distribution, and other necessary resources.
  2. Deploy the template:
    aws cloudformation create-stack –stack-name react-app-stack –template-body file://template.yaml
  3. Monitor the AWS Console deployment to ensure all resources are created correctly.

CloudFormation enables infrastructure as code (IaC), allowing you to replicate the deployment environment quickly.

6. Accessing Your Deployed React Application via CloudFront

Once your CloudFront distribution is set up, your React app will be accessible via the CloudFront URL.

Steps to access your app:

  • Navigate to your CloudFront distribution URL (e.g., https://<your-distribution-id>
  • Verify that your app is loading correctly and is accessible globally.


Deploying a React application on AWS with S3, CloudFront, and CloudFormation simplifies the hosting and scaling process. Using the AWS CLI, automated scripts, and infrastructure as code, you can streamline your deployment process and ensure the fast, secure delivery of your app to users around the world.


Build a Full-Stack React Application

Deploy a React-based single-page application to Amazon S3 and CloudFront