Creating a cloud-hosted resume is not just about showcasing your skills; it’s about building your digital presence professionally and securely. This blog post will describe the first week of creating a cloud-based resume using AWS services. By the end of Week 1, you’ll have your resume hosted on AWS, optimized for performance and security.

Laying the Groundwork: HTML, CSS, and GitHub Pages

Before diving into AWS, it’s crucial to set up the basics: your resume in HTML and CSS. This provides the foundation for your project. Start by designing a clean, responsive resume with HTML for structure and CSS for style. Keep it professional, ensuring it works well on desktop and mobile devices.

Once your resume is ready, GitHub Pages is an excellent platform for version control. By pushing your HTML and CSS files to a GitHub repository, your project will be hosted for free while maintaining a version history of changes. This is an excellent habit to form for any software engineer or cloud professional.

Leveraging S3: Uploading Your Resume to the Cloud

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is the perfect place to host your static resume in the cloud. It provides high availability, durability, and cost-efficiency.

Steps to upload your resume to S3:

  1. Create an S3 bucket: Use a globally unique name and set it for public access.
  2. Upload your HTML, CSS, and other assets (images, PDFs).
  3. Enable static website hosting for your S3 bucket. This turns your bucket into a web-accessible location.

Once the resume is uploaded, AWS will give you a public URL to share or link to your domain.

Optimizing Performance and Security: CloudFront, Route 53, and Certificate Manager

Now that your resume is live on S3, it’s time to enhance its performance and security. AWS provides several services to help with this:

  1. CloudFront (Content Delivery Network): CloudFront is a global CDN that caches your resume in various edge locations worldwide, speeding up user access no matter their location. You can configure CloudFront to point to your S3 bucket, and with minimal setup, your content will load faster for visitors across the globe.
  2. Route 53 (Domain Management): You need a custom domain to give your resume a professional touch. Using Amazon Route 53, you can register a domain or transfer one you already own. Then, configure the DNS settings to point to your CloudFront distribution. This allows users to access your resume via a personalized domain name (e.g.,
  3. Certificate Manager (SSL/TLS): Security is crucial for your resume, especially when using a custom domain. AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) allows you to obtain a free SSL/TLS certificate to secure your domain with HTTPS. This enhances security and boosts your SEO rankings since search engines favor HTTPS sites.

Lessons Learned: Challenges and Triumphs in Week 1


  1. Custom Domain Configuration: Connecting your CloudFront distribution with Route 53 and setting up DNS records can be tricky for beginners.
  2. SSL/TLS Setup: Some users may need help with the certificate verification process, especially if they are unfamiliar with DNS validation.


  1. Fast Deployment: Once you get the hang of it, deploying your static resume to AWS is a breeze, with little downtime and easy updates via GitHub.
  2. Global Availability: Thanks to CloudFront, your resume will load quickly for anyone, anywhere.

Week 1 might involve some technical hurdles, but the reward is a cloud-hosted resume that looks professional and performs securely and efficiently.


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