Introduction to Amazon Cognito and Its Recent Updates

Amazon Cognito has become a go-to service for developers seeking robust user identity and authentication solutions. Cognito simplifies building secure applications by offering easy user management, authentication, and authorization. With its ability to support millions of users and integrations with social identity providers (like Facebook and Google), Cognito is ideal for scalable, secure applications. Recent updates have focused on enhancing flexibility and security by adding Custom Claims to access tokens.

Amazon Cognito now supports Custom Claims, allowing developers to directly include more specific, app-related data in access tokens. This update empowers applications to enforce stricter security policies and deliver tailored functionality without requiring additional database lookups.

Understanding the Impact of Custom Claims on Access Tokens

Custom Claims allow developers to embed application-specific information within the token itself. Access tokens issued by Amazon Cognito already include essential user attributes, but Custom Claims offer the opportunity to add attributes that are crucial for authorization logic, such as:

  • Roles: You can define user-specific roles that control access to various features within your app.
  • Permissions: Specify granular permissions for fine-tuned security.
  • Expiration or Usage Limits: Use tokens to enforce time-limited access or restricted usage rules.

Custom Claims’ flexibility significantly reduces the need for external database queries to verify user permissions or status. This also reduces latency and improves the security posture as token validation becomes more efficient and reliable.

How Custom Claims Improve Application Security and Functionality

By integrating Custom Claims into access tokens, applications can make faster, more secure decisions based on user data directly within the token. Here’s how they enhance security and functionality:

  1. Granular Access Control: Custom Claims allow for role-based access control (RBAC) or even attribute-based access control (ABAC) models, all from within the access token. This reduces reliance on external services for permission checks.
  2. Minimizing External Calls: Embedding application-specific claims into the token eliminates the need to repeatedly query user databases, minimizing exposure to external APIs and reducing the attack surface.
  3. Improved API Security: APIs can validate access tokens with built-in security policies like scopes and permissions directly from Custom Claims, ensuring faster and more secure API requests.
  4. Tailored User Experiences: Applications can offer personalized user experiences by embedding Custom Claims, such as user preferences, roles, or subscription tiers.

Technical Implementation of Custom Claims with Lambda Triggers

Lambda Triggers facilitate the technical implementation of Custom Claims in Amazon Cognito. Cognito provides a Pre-Token Generation Lambda Trigger feature, which enables developers to modify tokens before they are generated and sent to the user.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Custom Claims:

  1. Create a Lambda Function: First, create a Lambda function to inject Custom Claims into the access token. This function will be triggered before Cognito issues a token.
  2. Configure the Pre-Token Generation Trigger: In the Cognito console, select your user pool and navigate to Triggers. Choose Pre-Token Generation and select the Lambda function you created.
  3. Modify the Token Payload: Inside the Lambda function, use the event object to access the user’s attributes and add Custom Claims. For example:
    exports.handler = async (event) => {

    event.response = {

        claimsOverrideDetails: {

            claimsToAddOrOverride: {

                ‘custom:role’: ‘admin’,

                ‘custom:subscriptionLevel’: ‘premium’




    return event;


  1. Test and Deploy: After setting up the Lambda trigger, test the authentication flow to ensure that the access tokens now contain the correct Custom Claims.
  2. Integrate with Your Application: Your backend services can now read these Custom Claims from the token to enforce authorization logic or modify the user experience accordingly.

Community Response and Future Outlook for Amazon Cognito

The developer community has welcomed the introduction of custom claims. Developers appreciate this feature’s flexibility and control, especially in applications requiring complex authorization mechanisms or personalized user experiences. Moreover, reducing external API calls and database lookups is a significant performance win.

As Amazon Cognito continues to evolve, we expect further enhancements in security, particularly around how Custom Claims can be utilized in combination with machine learning for adaptive authentication and risk-based access control. The community is already exploring innovative ways to leverage Custom Claims in multi-tenant architectures, and future updates may continue to expand this feature’s functionality.


Custom Claims in Amazon Cognito access tokens provide developers with an efficient and secure way to embed user-specific information directly into the token. This addition simplifies authorization logic, enhances security, and improves application performance by reducing external queries. Implementing Custom Claims through Lambda triggers enables precise, granular control over user access, making Amazon Cognito a powerful tool for modern, scalable applications.


Amazon Cognito user pools now support the ability to customize access tokens

How to customize access tokens in Amazon Cognito user pools