Optimizing query performance is crucial when working with large datasets in AWS Redshift. Common Table Expressions (CTEs) and Temporary Tables are popular techniques for improving query efficiency. Understanding when and how to use these features can significantly impact your Redshift queries’ performance and scalability. This post will delve into CTEs and Temporary Tables, their advantages, and best practices to help you determine the right approach for your scenario.

Overview of Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in SQL

A Common Table Expression (CTE) is a temporary result set you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. CTEs are defined using the WITH clause, making complex queries more straightforward to read and maintain by breaking them into more manageable subqueries.


WITH CTE_example AS (

    SELECT column1, column2

    FROM table_name

    WHERE condition



FROM CTE_example

WHERE another_condition;

CTEs can be particularly useful for recursive queries or when the same subquery needs to be used multiple times within a more significant query.

Advantages of Using CTEs in AWS Redshift

In AWS Redshift, CTEs offer several advantages:

  1. Improved Readability: CTEs simplify complex queries by breaking them into smaller, more understandable parts.
  2. Reusability: You can reference a CTE multiple times within the same query, reducing redundancy.
  3. Simplified Maintenance: By isolating parts of a query, CTEs make it easier to modify and troubleshoot.
  4. Reduced Temporary Storage: CTEs do not materialize to disk, which can save temporary storage space compared to other techniques.

However, it’s important to note that CTEs in Redshift are inlined, meaning they are expanded at runtime. This can lead to performance issues if the CTE is referenced multiple times and involves complex operations.

Role and Benefits of Temporary Tables in Redshift

Temporary Tables are database tables that exist only for the duration of a session. They are instrumental when you need to perform multiple operations on a dataset and want to avoid reprocessing the same data repeatedly.



SELECT column1, column2

FROM table_name

WHERE condition;


FROM temp_table

WHERE another_condition;

Benefits of Temporary Tables in Redshift:

  1. Materialization: Unlike CTEs, Temporary Tables materialize the result set, which can benefit performance when dealing with large datasets.
  2. Persistence Across Queries: Temporary Tables can be used across multiple queries in the same session, making them ideal for complex workflows.
  3. Indexing: You can create indexes on Temporary Tables, further optimizing query performance.
  4. Isolation: Temporary tables are isolated to your session to ensure that their data does not interfere with other users or sessions.

Best Practices for Query Writing in AWS Redshift

To optimize your queries in AWS Redshift, consider the following best practices:

  1. Analyze Query Patterns: Identify common query patterns and determine whether CTEs or Temporary Tables perform better.
  2. Limit CTE Usage in Large Queries: Use CTEs judiciously in large queries, as inlining can lead to performance degradation.
  3. Leverage Temporary Tables for Repeated Operations: If a subquery’s result set is reused multiple times in different parts of a query, materialize it in a Temporary Table.
  4. Monitor Query Performance: Use Redshift’s performance tools, such as EXPLAIN and STL system tables, to analyze query performance and make informed decisions.
  5. Use Indexes Wisely: When working with Temporary Tables, consider adding indexes on frequently queried columns to boost performance.

Determining the Right Approach: It Depends on Your Scenario

Choosing between CTEs and Temporary Tables depends on the specific requirements of your query:

  • Use CTEs to simplify query logic, especially if the CTE is only referenced once or involves lightweight operations.
  • Opt for Temporary Tables if you need to persist intermediate results across multiple queries or if your query involves complex and heavy operations that benefit from materialization.

In some cases, a hybrid approach may be optimal—starting with a CTE for clarity and then materializing the results into a Temporary Table for further processing.


CTEs and Temporary Tables are potent tools for query optimization in AWS Redshift. Understanding their strengths and limitations enables you to make informed decisions that enhance your query performance and resource utilization.



Amazon Redshift best practices for designing queries