The Need for Speed: Overcoming Slow Build Times and Large Bundle Sizes in Serverless NestJS Projects

In the world of serverless applications, speed and efficiency are paramount. Developers often choose frameworks like NestJS for their robustness and ease of use. However, slow build times and large bundle sizes can become significant bottlenecks when deploying these applications on AWS Lambda. Serverless-Esbuild is a popular plugin for optimizing builds, but integrating it with other plugins, such as Serverless-Plugin-Warmup, can lead to compatibility issues. This post explores how to resolve these conflicts to achieve faster, optimized NestJS deployments.

The Challenge: Conflicting Configurations in Serverless-Esbuild and Serverless-Plugin-Warmup

Serverless-Esbuild and Serverless-Plugin-Warmup are essential tools for enhancing serverless applications. Serverless-Esbuild optimizes the build process, reducing bundle sizes and speeding up deployments. On the other hand, Serverless-Plugin-Warmup helps reduce cold starts by keeping Lambda functions warm. However, these plugins can sometimes have conflicting configurations, leading to compilation errors and failed deployments.

Deep Dive into the Problem: Understanding the Root Cause of the Compilation Error

The root cause of the compatibility issue lies in how these plugins handle file extensions during the build process. Serverless-Esbuild, by default, may not include specific file extensions required by Serverless-Plugin-Warmup. This leads to missing files in the build output, causing runtime errors and failed deployments.

The Solution: Modifying Esbuild Configuration to Include Missing File Extensions

To resolve this issue, modify the Esbuild configuration to explicitly include the necessary file extensions. This ensures that all required files are bundled correctly, allowing both plugins to work seamlessly.

Step-by-Step Guide: Implementing the Fix for Seamless Integration

  1. Update serverless.yml Configuration: Open your serverless.yml file and navigate to the custom section where the serverless-Esbuild configuration is defined.
  1. Modify Esbuild Options: Add the external and extensions options to include the necessary file extensions. For example:



    bundle: true

    minify: false

    sourcemap: true

    target: ‘node14’


      – aws-sdk


      – ‘.ts’

      – ‘.js’

      – ‘.json’

  1. Ensure Compatibility with Serverless-Plugin-Warmup: Verify that Serverless-Plugin-Warmup is correctly configured and integrated into your serverless.yml file. For instance:


  – serverless-esbuild

  – serverless-plugin-warmup



    enabled: true


      individually: true

  1. Test the Integration: Deploy your application and ensure the build process and the warmup functionality work without errors. Run:

    serverless deploy
  1. Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of your deployed application. Use AWS CloudWatch logs to verify that the warmup plugin is functioning as expected and that there are no build errors.

Achieving Success: Faster Builds and Optimized NestJS Applications on AWS Lambda

Resolving the compatibility issues between Serverless-Esbuild and Serverless-Plugin-Warmup can significantly speed up build times and make NestJS applications more efficient. This enhances the developer experience and ensures that your serverless applications run smoothly on AWS Lambda, with reduced cold starts and optimized performance.


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