Introduction: BYOIP Migration Challenges

Migrating Bring Your IP (BYOIP) addresses between AWS organizations can be complex and daunting. However, it can be accomplished smoothly with the right approach and understanding of the necessary steps. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from client configuration to importing BYOIPs to a new organization.

Client Configuration

Before initiating the migration process, ensure your AWS client is configured correctly. This involves setting up the AWS CLI with the appropriate credentials and ensuring you have the necessary permissions to perform BYOIP operations.

  1. Configure AWS CLI: Make sure the AWS CLI is installed and configured with the credentials of the AWS account from which you will be migrating the BYOIPs.

    aws configure
  1. Check Permissions: Verify that you have the necessary permissions in the source and destination AWS accounts to manage BYOIPs, including ec2:DeprovisionByoipCidr, ec2:ImportByoipCidr, and ec2:DescribeByoipCidrs.

Steps to Move BYOIPs to a New Organization

Migrating BYOIPs involves several steps, including withdrawing the CIDR advertisement, shutting down resources, and de-provisioning and importing the CIDR to the new organization.

1. Withdraw BYOIP CIDR Advertisement

The first step is to withdraw the advertisement of your BYOIP CIDR. This action informs AWS that you no longer want the IP range routable on the internet.

aws ec2 withdraw-byoip-cidr –cidr <BYOIP-CIDR>

2. Shut Down Resources and Release Elastic IPs

Before de-provisioning the CIDR, ensure that all resources using the BYOIP addresses are shut down and that any Elastic IPs (EIPs) associated with the CIDR are released.

# Example of releasing an Elastic IP

aws ec2 release-address –allocation-id <eip-alloc-id>

3. De-provision the CIDR

Once the resources are shut down and the EIPs are released, you can de-provision the CIDR. This step removes the CIDR from your AWS account, making it available for import into the new organization.

aws ec2 deprovision-byoip-cidr –cidr <BYOIP-CIDR>

4. Importing BYOIPs to the New Organization

After de-provisioning the CIDR from the source account, the next step is to import the BYOIP CIDR into the new organization. This involves specifying the new AWS account and following the import process.

aws ec2 import-byoip-cidr –cidr <BYOIP-CIDR> –cidr-authorization-context Message=”<context-message>”,Signature=”<context-signature>”

Script: Deprovision Public IPv4 IPs from a Pool

To automate the de-provisioning process, you can use a script that de-provisions public IPv4 IPs from a specified pool. Here is an example script:


# Set AWS CLI profile and region



# List all BYOIP CIDRs

BYOIP_CIDRS=$(aws ec2 describe-byoip-cidrs –query “ByoipCidrs[*].Cidr” –output text –profile $AWS_PROFILE –region $AWS_REGION)

# Deprovision each BYOIP CIDR

for CIDR in $BYOIP_CIDRS; do

    echo “Deprovisioning BYOIP CIDR: $CIDR”

    aws ec2 deprovision-byoip-cidr –cidr $CIDR –profile $AWS_PROFILE –region $AWS_REGION


echo “Deprovisioning completed.”

Important Considerations

  • Downtime: Be prepared for downtime as the IP addresses are de-provisioned and re-imported.
  • Permissions: Ensure you have the required permissions in the source and destination accounts.
  • IP Availability: After de-provisioning, there might be a short period when the IPs are unavailable. Plan accordingly to minimize disruption.
  • AWS Support: In case of any issues, do not hesitate to contact AWS Support for assistance.


Migrating BYOIPs between AWS organizations requires careful planning and execution. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a smooth transition with minimal downtime. Always consider the potential impacts on your resources and have a rollback plan.


Bring your IP addresses to IPAM

Bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP) in Amazon EC2