Introduction: The Importance of Secure Payment Processing

In today’s digital era, secure payment processing is crucial for businesses of all sizes. With the rise of e-commerce, mobile apps, and online services, the need for robust and scalable payment systems has never been more critical. This blog post will guide you through building a secure and scalable payment processing system using AWS serverless architecture. We will cover everything from setting up your infrastructure to implementing security measures and ensuring scalability.

Working Architecture for Seamless Payment Processing

A seamless payment processing architecture leverages AWS serverless services to ensure high availability, scalability, and security. Here’s an overview of the architecture components:

  • Client Application: Mobile or web app for user interactions.
  • API Gateway: Handles API requests and routes them to appropriate services.
  • AWS Cognito: Manages user authentication and authorization.
  • AWS Lambda: Processes payments and interacts with other services.
  • DynamoDB: Stores transaction details.
  • AWS SNS: Sends payment notifications.
  • CloudWatch: Logs and monitors payment processing activities.

Client App and JSON Requirements

The client app interacts with the backend using JSON-based RESTful APIs. Here are some typical JSON requirements for the payment process:

Payment Request:


  “userId”: “user123”,

  “amount”: 100.00,

  “currency”: “USD”,

  “paymentMethod”: “credit_card”,

  “cardDetails”: {

    “cardNumber”: “1234-5678-9876-5432”,

    “expiryDate”: “12/25”,

    “cvv”: “123”



Payment Response:


  “transactionId”: “txn123”,

  “status”: “success”,

  “message”: “Payment processed successfully”


Setting Up API Gateway and Cognito for User Authentication

  1. Create an API Gateway:
    • Navigate to API Gateway in the AWS Console.
    • Create a new REST API.
    • Define resource paths and methods (e.g., /payments with the POST method).
  2. Set Up AWS Cognito:
    • Create a new User Pool in Cognito.
    • Configure app clients and set authentication settings.
    • Integrate Cognito with API Gateway for user authentication.

Configuring API Gateway Authorizer with Cognito

  1. Configure Cognito Authorizer:
    • In API Gateway, select your API and navigate to the Authorizers section.
    • Create a new Cognito Authorizer and link it to your User Pool.
    • Attach the Authorizer to the API methods that require authentication.

Lambda Function for Payment Processing

  1. Create a Lambda Function:
    • In the AWS Console, navigate to Lambda and create a new function.

Write the payment processing logic. Here’s a simplified example:

import json

import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    # Extract payment details from the request

    payment_details = json.loads(event[‘body’])

    # Process payment (pseudo code)

    transaction_id = process_payment(payment_details)

    # Store transaction in DynamoDB

    store_transaction(transaction_id, payment_details)

    # Trigger SNS notification

    notify_user(transaction_id, payment_details)

    return {

        ‘statusCode’: 200,

        ‘body’: json.dumps({

            ‘transactionId’: transaction_id,

            ‘status’: ‘success’,

            ‘message’: ‘Payment processed successfully’



Using DynamoDB for Storing Transaction Details

  1. Create a DynamoDB Table:
    • Navigate to DynamoDB in the AWS Console.
    • Create a new table with a primary key (e.g., transactionId).
  2. Store Transactions:

Integrate DynamoDB into your Lambda function to store transaction details.


dynamodb = boto3.resource(‘dynamodb’)

table = dynamodb.Table(‘Transactions’)

def store_transaction(transaction_id, payment_details):



            ‘transactionId’: transaction_id,

            ‘details’: payment_details



Triggering AWS SNS for Payment Notification

  1. Set Up SNS Topic:
    • Navigate to SNS in the AWS Console.
    • Create a new topic for payment notifications.
  2. Publish Notifications:

Integrate SNS into your Lambda function to send notifications.

sns = boto3.client(‘sns’)

def notify_user(transaction_id, payment_details):



        Message=f’Payment {transaction_id} processed for {payment_details[“amount”]} {payment_details[“currency”]}.’


Storing Payment Logs in CloudWatch

  1. Enable CloudWatch Logging:
    • In the Lambda function settings, enable CloudWatch Logs.
    • Use CloudWatch to monitor and troubleshoot payment processing activities.
  2. Log Events:

Integrate logging into your Lambda function.

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()


def lambda_handler(event, context):‘Processing payment…’)

    # Payment processing logic‘Payment processed successfully’)

Conclusion: Key Considerations for Successful Implementation

Building a secure and scalable payment processing system with AWS serverless architecture involves multiple components working seamlessly together. Key considerations include:

  • Security: Implement robust authentication and authorization with AWS Cognito.
  • Scalability: Leverage AWS Lambda and DynamoDB for automatic scaling.
  • Monitoring: Use CloudWatch for logging and monitoring to ensure system reliability.
  • Notifications: Implement SNS for real-time payment notifications.

By following these guidelines, you can create a secure and efficient payment processing system that meets the needs of your business and customers.


Building scalable serverless applications with Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda

Architecting for Reliable Scalability