Setting the Stage

In the fast-paced world of technology and innovation, it’s easy to get swept up in the allure of cutting-edge tools and complex architectures. However, there’s a fine line between creating an innovative solution and over-engineering a project. This post dives into my experience of over-engineering a tech stack for a Stock Market Bar, highlighting the lessons learned and the importance of simplicity.

The Concept of the Stock Market Bar

The Stock Market Bar is a novel concept where drink prices fluctuate based on real-time demand, much like a stock market. The idea was to create a dynamic and engaging atmosphere where patrons could experience the thrill of the market while enjoying their favorite beverages. The concept seemed straightforward: implement a system to adjust drink prices based on sales volume.

Coding a Party?

The initial excitement led to a brainstorming session that quickly spiraling into a coding marathon. The team and I were enamored with using microservices, real-time data processing, and cloud-native solutions to bring the Stock Market Bar to life. We envisioned an ecosystem where every aspect of the bar was interconnected, from drink orders to inventory management and customer feedback.

What Does It Take to Turn a Party into a Buzzing Stock Market?

The requirements quickly grew as we incorporated features like:

  • Real-time pricing algorithms: To adjust drink prices based on demand.
  • Customer mobile app: This allows patrons to track prices and place orders.
  • Inventory management system: To automatically restock popular items.
  • Data analytics: To gather insights on customer preferences and sales trends.
  • IoT devices: To monitor drink levels and automate reordering.

The project’s complexity increased exponentially, and what started as a simple, fun idea became a behemoth of interconnected systems.

Fixing What Is Not Broken

The first major red flag appeared when we spent weeks troubleshooting issues from integrating various microservices. The system was so interdependent that a minor glitch in one service caused cascading failures across the platform. We realized that in our quest to build the ultimate Stock Market Bar, we needed to pay more attention to keeping things simple and manageable.

Stock-Market Bar Cloud Infrastructure 2024

By 2024, our cloud infrastructure had evolved into a sprawling web of services hosted by multiple cloud providers. We utilized:

  • Kubernetes clusters: To orchestrate our microservices.
  • Serverless functions: For real-time data processing.
  • Data lakes: These are used to store vast amounts of analytics data.
  • Machine learning models: To predict drink demand and optimize pricing.

While these technologies were impressive, the complexity they introduced often outweighed the benefits. The system required constant monitoring, and the cost of maintaining such an elaborate infrastructure began to overshadow the revenue generated by the bar.

The Economist Perspective: A Simple Model of Beer Demand

An economist would likely approach the Stock Market Bar with a simple supply-and-demand model. By focusing on critical variables such as price elasticity, consumer preferences, and seasonal trends, a straightforward pricing algorithm could achieve 90% of what our complex system was designed to do. This perspective underscores the value of simplicity and the danger of over-engineering.


Looking back, it’s clear that our enthusiasm for cutting-edge technology led us down a path of unnecessary complexity. The experience taught me several valuable lessons:

  1. Start Simple: Begin with a minimal viable product (MVP) and iteratively add features.
  2. Evaluate Necessity: Before adding new components, assess their need and impact.
  3. Maintain Flexibility: Design systems that are easy to modify and scale without introducing excessive interdependencies.
  4. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Continuously evaluate the cost and benefits of the technology stack.


This post reflects my personal experience and opinions. The pitfalls of over-engineering are not universal; in some cases, advanced technology stacks are necessary and beneficial. However, simplicity is often the best approach for projects like the Stock Market Bar.


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