Many organizations are migrating enterprise workloads from traditional data centers to cloud environments like Amazon Web Services (AWS) to enhance scalability, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. AWS provides robust services such as EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and RDS (Relational Database Service) that facilitate a seamless transition. This blog post will guide you through the entire migration process, from strategic planning to post-migration assurance, with a detailed, step-by-step example.

Introduction to Enterprise Workload Migration from On-Premises to AWS

Enterprise workload migration involves transferring data, applications, and IT processes from on-premises data centers to the cloud. AWS offers a wide array of services to make this transition as smooth as possible, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations. Key benefits include enhanced scalability, cost savings, and access to advanced technologies.

Strategic Planning: Sizing, Prerequisites, and Resource Naming Conventions


Accurate sizing is critical to ensure that the AWS resources you provision match the needs of your workloads. This involves evaluating your current on-premises infrastructure, understanding the resource requirements, and mapping these to appropriate AWS services. Tools like AWS Migration Hub can assist in tracking the progress of application migrations across AWS.


Before migrating, ensure you have:

  1. AWS Account Setup: Create an AWS account and set up the necessary IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles and policies.
  2. Network Configuration: Design your VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), subnets, route tables, and security groups.
  3. Data Backup: Ensure all critical data is backed up and accessible.

Resource Naming Conventions

Adopting a standardized naming convention for your AWS resources is essential for maintaining organization and ease of management. Examples include:

  • EC2 instances: env-app-function-number (e.g., prod-web-server-01)
  • RDS instances: env-db-type-number (e.g., dev-db-mysql-01)

Implementation: Resource Provisioning and Best Practices

Resource Provisioning

Provision the necessary AWS resources to support your workloads:

  1. EC2 Instances: Select appropriate instance types based on your sizing analysis. Launch instances in the desired VPC and subnets.
  2. RDS Instances: Choose the suitable database engine (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL), instance type, and storage options.

Best Practices

  • Security: Implement security best practices, such as using IAM roles, enabling VPC flow logs, and configuring security groups and NACLs.
  • High Availability: Deploy resources across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) to ensure redundancy and failover capability.
  • Automation: Use AWS CloudFormation or Terraform to automate the provisioning of resources, ensuring consistency and repeatability.

Launch Phase: Validation Testing, Dry-Run, and Final Migration

Validation Testing

Perform thorough validation testing to ensure the provisioned resources are correctly configured and meet performance expectations. This includes:

  • Connectivity tests between EC2 instances and RDS databases.
  • Load testing to simulate production workloads.


Conduct a dry-run migration to identify potential issues and refine the migration process. This involves:

  • Migrating a subset of data and applications.
  • Monitoring performance and resolving any encountered issues.

Final Migration

Execute the final migration, following the validated process. This includes:

  • Data transfer: Use AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) or other tools to migrate databases.
  • Application deployment: Deploy applications to the newly provisioned EC2 instances.

Post-Migration Assurance: Application Functionality and User Accessibility

Application Functionality

Ensure that all migrated applications function correctly in the new AWS environment. This involves:

  • Comprehensive testing of all application functionalities.
  • Performance tuning and optimization.

User Accessibility

Verify that users can access the migrated applications seamlessly. This includes:

  • Updating DNS records to point to the new AWS resources.
  • Ensuring that authentication and authorization mechanisms work as expected.

Detailed Step-by-Step Migration Process with Practical Example

Step 1: Assess and Plan

  • Conduct a detailed assessment of the current on-premises infrastructure.
  • Develop a migration plan, including timelines, resources, and risk mitigation strategies.

Step 2: Prepare the AWS Environment

  • Set up an AWS account and configure IAM roles and policies.
  • Design and deploy the VPC, subnets, and security groups.

Step 3: Provision Resources

  • Launch EC2 instances and configure them as per the sizing analysis.
  • Create RDS instances and configure the database engines.

Step 4: Perform Dry-Run

  • Migrate a subset of data using AWS DMS.
  • Deploy applications to EC2 instances and conduct validation testing.

Step 5: Execute Final Migration

  • Transfer the complete data set to RDS.
  • Deploy the entire application stack to EC2 instances.

Step 6: Post-Migration Activities

  • Conduct comprehensive functionality testing.
  • Optimize performance and ensure user accessibility.

Practical Example

Assume we are migrating a web application with a MySQL database. The steps would be:

  1. Assessment: Evaluate the current server specs and database size.
  2. Preparation: Set up an AWS VPC with public and private subnets.
  3. Provisioning: Launch t3.medium EC2 instances for the web servers and a db.m5.large RDS instance for MySQL.
  4. Dry-Run: Migrate a sample data set using AWS DMS and deploy the web application to the EC2 instances.
  5. Final Migration: Complete the data migration and deploy the entire application.
  6. Post-Migration: Test all functionalities, optimize performance, and update DNS settings for user access.


Selecting the correct database and database migration plan for your workloads

AWS Prescriptive Guidance